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Douglas Egger

Bradenton, FL

Political platform statement

Why I am running for this office: I feel I can help heal the rift within the loal Republican Party and help guide the party forward to winning again in November and beyond. · I have lived in Manatee County for almost 40 years. My wife Lynn and I moved our family here in 1986. Becoming a Realtor in 1992 and a Real Estate Broker in 1998. I was honored to join the REC in 2010 under Kathy King. I also volunteered with the RNC National Convention in Tampa in 2012. I have helped at the Manatee county fair every year and was the live auctioneer at 3 Lincoln Day Dinners. I was the greeting host and security at our last REC Lincoln Day Dinner in 2022. Began attending Tea Party 2016 and was elected President. During this time I was the first to organize a candidate round table, which has been a huge success through the years. I have participated in vetting candidates as well as endorsements and a 4th of July parade float. My 2 girls attended Manatee High School, as have 2 of my grandchildren I am asking for your support as State Committeeman for our county Respectfully Doug Egger

Home town: Bradenton, FL