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Local news Region's First Low Impact Development Expo


Golden Gate Point in Sarasota

Photo by Angela Maraj

SARASOTA – The region’s first Low Impact Development Expo is set for Friday, March 23 at the Sarasota County Extension Office located at Twin Lakes Park at 6700 Clark Road. The free event runs from 10 am to 4 pm and will showcase a series of presentations by expert speakers from throughout Florida as well as various exhibits.

Low impact development involves using innovative techniques to create more environmentally friendly cities. The techniques include creating ”green“ streets, maintaining storm water ponds, selecting native plants for vertical walls, swales and rain gardens, and storm water management through porous paving methods. Examples of all of these will be presented at the event.

Participants can drop in at any time, or stay all day. The event is a trade show; sharing, teaching and showing low impact development techniques and products.

Low impact development projects such as Dearborn Street Pilot Project in Englewood, the Honore Avenue Extension in Sarasota and the Palmetto Green Streets project will be discussed. The leading Florida green roof expert will present design considerations and officials from Sarasota County will address permitting projects.

View the full agenda on the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program’s website or the event’s website.

Florida experts, educators and industry representatives are participating as exhibitors, speakers and guests.

Some of the scheduled participants include Dr. Marty Wanielista, a professor at the University of Central Florida; Kathy Croteau and Rob Wright with Sarasota County; Terry Cerullo with Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Tom Levin, urban planner and landscape architect from Ekistics Design Studio; Molly Williams with Stantec; Russ Hoffman with Beautiful Ponds Inc.; Joanne Gulliksen with GAP Architectural Products; Elie Araj with Applied Sciences; and Kreg Maheu and Stefan Thoenes with DMK Associates.

Prospective exhibitors are encouraged to contact Angela Maraj, event organizer, at lidexpo2012@gmail.com.

Maraj worked as a contractor previously for the Southwest Florida Water Management District and was a former contractor with Sarasota County where she helped develop a Low Impact Development Manual. Maraj is being supported by a Bay Partners Grant from the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program.

The Sarasota Bay Estuary Program provides grants annually to support local organizations that complete projects benefitting Sarasota Bay. Since 2002, $150,000 in grants has been awarded to 90 local organizations.


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