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School District to Consider Developing Affordable Housing Stock


BRADENTON — The Manatee County School District is considering developing its own affordable housing stock to offset the negative impact soaring prices are having on recruiting and retaining employees.

The district says it is considering developing a nearly five-acre plot of land in Bradenton. District officials are currently exploring the possibilities with One Stop Housing.

Mark Vengroff, managing partner for One Stop Housing, presented plans to the school board at a work session in late May. The project would consist of 132 studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom units across two four-story apartment buildings. Rent prices would be 30-40% below market rates.

District officials say the project is in the early stages of consideration but could be discussed at a school board meeting within the next few months.

Pinellas, Monroe, and Volusia counties have already begun exploring similar options.


Solving Workforce Housing Crucial to Maintaining Florida's Edge in Education


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  • WTF

    It’s a great idea long overdue. School District has been sitting on those 5 acres for 20 years. A school will never be built there. Collaboration with a great proven developer like One Stop is a home run. The district has many more properties that they should be doing this to. In addition any new school should have additional land set aside for workforce housing in that area and partner up with private development to achieve reasonable housing for it’s employees that otherwise could not afford to live in that area. So, lets truly live, work and play in our area.


    Saturday, June 15, 2024 Report this

  • san.gander

    It's a bad idea. Sort of the "Massa" providing housing for slaves idea rather than providing a living wages so employees can afford the prices in the free-market. What is happening to idea of freedom for working people. Are we going back to the kind of society where workers can only afford "government housing" or a company house as part of their pay? That was common in the 19th, and even the 20th century... and they shopped the "company store". Those were the days... lose your job... lose your livelihood - everything! It was about as close to legal slavery - own your workers, as you could get! The School District should never engage in "landlording property development". We have enough of the developer class already! The School District has ONE primary duty... education of children.

    Sunday, June 16, 2024 Report this

  • Cat L

    We've seen this before... I remember restaurant groups buying apartment buildings (the last time real estate got this nuts) so they could have staff. Happened fairly close to the last big real estate crash....

    Monday, June 17, 2024 Report this