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Cat L writes:

Good, hit him in the wallet, it's the only thing he cares about.

san.gander@gmail.com writes:

I voted no on this... my reason, Kennedy is not a viable candidate for the Presidency. That is, he has no chance of being elected, and has not put forward national directives or policies - no positions on major issues, foreign or domestic. I think we all understand the directions of Trump... isolationism, pro-authoritarianism, pro-corporatism, and anti-union/worker; and I venture to say anti-woman, anti-equality, and anti-social programs. In addition, he has shown himself to completely lack moral virture or patrotic honor! That someone might vote for him gives me pause as to their own sense of decency! Joe Biden has none of the "isms" of Trump, and is for working people, and yes equality of races and sexes... very much equal opportunity. Yes, at times his polices move slowly, or not at all... but that is the nature of our system of government... there is a Congress that must concur, and at this time, for the sake of politics alone, and not the right thing, they often oppose. That requires a change... I say in representation in Congress!
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

New name for Wilton Simpson... Puddin' Head Simpson. He is not capable of doing his job, which is saving and preserving enough of Florida's natural lands for the wildlife and the people, the public, of Florida. Let's keep Florida, Florida!
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Charles writes:

Is there a point where more of our voters will become engaged — before the very last door to the path to righting the boat is completely closed? Think it is so overdue. No wonder the best officials (developer's) money can buy have such disdain for the few engaged citizens who keep trying. They can count on hoodwinking the majority. Thanks for continuing to speak out with such clear logic.
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Charles writes:

What an embarassment this man and so many of our elected officials are — the best money can buy.

Debann writes:


David Daniels writes:

As much as I despise the Ziegler's for their hypocrisy and the harm their bullying is doing to kids, they have a right to a certain level of privacy. Mr. Z was investigated, but not charged with a crime - not even arrested. I think it's an overstep to make their cell phones and web browsing a public record. Both strong public record laws and the right to privacy need to be protected.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Now they're afraid of lights. LOL.

WTF writes:

The BOCC can't run the county much less sticking their noses into home rule. Such bad behavior by our County elected officials. KVO...One and Done

WTF writes:

The corruption finally got to him. Get out now or face Florida Bar complaints

iambillsanders@aol.com writes:

Question: Why did Mike Bennet resign in March. Why not stay and hold the job with Scott Farrington as assistant until the November election. I understand he could have stayed and earned the other half of the $178,000 .
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iambillsanders@aol.com writes:

For the record the lift stations are reversed as station 13 is along the River and started as a septic tank in 1930. Then converted to a lift station. 1.7 million dollars was approved to remove and replace this lift station on 6/24/2024 or 4 years ago. 4 years later now 6 million. As many of the other 64 lift stations of which most are in Ward 4 need to be replaced. Bradenton as of yet has to publish a plan to replace these stations and other infrastructure as an agreed requirement of the Water Keepers Lawsuit . However, Bradenton borrowed 48 million earlier and on next weeks agenda they will bond 48 million. The infrastructure will cost 100 million dollars plus and put our city in debt for the next 30 years. It does however, need to be done. This lift station recently spilled 500 gallon of raw sewage in front of my home and I was vocal about the lack of action to replace it as it was well know for years it was a mess. The City of Bradenton I believe is in a crisis with overspending on items that simply do not need to be done at one time and I do not feel the taxpayers can afford it. New Ball park 60 million...Police station 30 million. Fire station 20 million. Public Works building 10 million with property accusation. City Hall 20 million. And we have an unknown Federal Police Lawsuit that could cost millions. We simply cannot do all of this as fast as they are moving. Slow down and plan. Or our grandkids if they still want to live here simple will not be able to. Bill Sanders Former City Councilman Ward 4
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sandy writes:

Shame on DeSantis for approving SB 540. This totally restricts citizens who disagree with changes to a county's comp plan. Beruff must be so proud of mini-me. Other counties have maintained more restrictive buffers. In fact after Manatee voted to remove theirs Orange County voted to make theirs more restrictive. The county hired a consultant who represented Beruff twice and lost both times court after some employees recommended denial for the change. The recommended changes came from the "white paper" submitted to the county from the lawyer for the Building Industry Association and submitted as county initiated because of the higher ups. He even wrote the staff report. He is planner not an environmental scientist. Environmental scientists provided documentation at the board meeting but mini-me accused them of being communists and Soros funded.
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nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Great work BOCC. More parking is another reason to create more traffic that the BOCC continues to ignore. Who is going to use those parking garages at the beach when it takes two hours to get 10 miles? If I have to drive 2 hours I may as well go to the other coast to go to the beach. And don’t get me started on home rule. Vote these people out!
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N_Alice_Newlon writes:

And yet, there are no warning signs by Manatee County or the Health Department. Those causeway beaches are loaded with people on weekends, many in the water playing and swimming, some lwith horses in the water and nearby where they are wading and swimming.
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Hamwoman writes:

Love this. Keep up the good work.

Debann writes:


Cat L writes:

So many of the candidates seem like cookie cut-outs, but Pearson seems interesting. I like the declaration of non partisanship, that's a massive issue now. It's like people have broken politics up into sports teams, and are fervently rooting for them in the same obsessive way. That's not as productive as having a conversation about what everyone's needs are, and what solutions there might be. Communication still has to happen. We're all in this together, and polarity-politics may be an advantageous marketing strategy, but it does harm.
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Charles writes:

Lots more kumbaya needed for the rest of the circus characters and con artists right up the line — her crass extremes are obscuring those only-slightly-less-extreme folks now using her to hide behind. Let's change away from the entire circus — it doesn't have to be a circus and con games.
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Charles writes:

Hope no one takes that list at the end of the article as endorsement by the Florida Phoenix or the Brdenton times. The article certainly ought to discuss them if presented like this — as an ad with marketing typography in ALL CAPS. It should be identified as a political ad. I sure am not "confident" that all Floridians believe their elected officials have been passing laws that reflect the will of the voters! Quite the contrary, the officials have been passing laws that reflect the will of those paying for their political campaigns, who seek to eliminate home rule, suppress voting, deny personal liberty to more than half of the population, and allow their major campaign donors to profit from destroying our environment and polluting our waters.
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