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EPG2002 writes:

None of the above.

Cat L writes:

And what about all the homes that are just an investment that nobody lives in? What about all the homes that are just being constructed for Airbnb? And what about all of the single family homes that are owned by investment groups for the build for rent market? What about all of the homes that are second and third vacation homes? I think there is significantly more going on than what is mentioned above. The effect of all of the relocation of people to Florida on Floridians has been significant. I would say roughly a third of my community has already left the state. Development choices seem to have been made solely with the wallets of a small list of people in mind.
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Cat L writes:

Overall, the taxpayers of Florida are paying for overdevelopment that is destroying their own communities. Always check on the politicians when they're quiet, but when they make a big stinky noise about a subject, they're up to something else as well. Especially if the subject is particularly divisive, then they are hiding activities.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

You can't have your cake and eat it too! If you don't want at risk people from having firearms you can't limit background checks for firearm ownership. This is an idiotic lawsuit. What we should be doing is clarifying at risk situations to protect the public from irresponsible gun ownership. Our justice system just sent two parents to jail for providing access to a gun to their son, but a dealer can sell a gun to any Tom, **** or Harry. Insanity!
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igobye3959@gmail.com writes:

Of course KVO wouldn’t take a position. Guess he wants to wait for instructions from his handlers

sandy writes:

I agree. There will be no change to the gridlock coming off the bridge to downtown Bradenton or simply heading south past downtown. The bike/pedestrian lane is nice, but won't help drivers. Need the flyover to bypass those wanting to head west on Manatee Ave W or those heading east on 6th St W. With no bypass will still have traffic backed up to make those right or left turns.
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Carolannfelts writes:

Wonderful writing as usual on our Florida history! Thank you!

Cat L writes:

So, that social-emotional learning in schools that unscrupulous marketing people have been calling "woke" is intended to bridge the psychological and emotional differences between groups. That's why it is included in military training. If groups can't work together, they can't work together. Early in the Ukraine war, we saw a classic example of why. When Russia was receiving lots of troops from other countries, they had an instance where a Russian soldier insulted the spiritual perspective of one of the assisting soldiers that resulted in a shootout. Learning to understand and/or be accepting of differences is what makes really big stuff work.
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

Very grateful for The Bradenton Times and the excellent investigative reporting and opinion writing. The best local newspaper!

David Daniels writes:

If people were shown the cruelty of the killing, the pain of the slaughtering - more would want an alternative. What happened to the free market of ideas and fair competition? Consumers should have a choice. This is protectionism for cruelty and environmental harm.
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jimandlope@aol.com writes:

Ron De Santis, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and countless others who were insulted, maligned and mocked by Donald Trump have joined the, “crawl,” back to Donald Trump. This in and of itself points out the worthlessness of these men as leaders and people we can rely upon. Liz Cheney is the most courageous Republican there is and she is no longer in office holder due to her courage. What a sad group we have chosen. Jim Tierney
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Cat L writes:

So let me get this straight, they set it up so that his salary would come from the foundation that relies on alumni providing money. Alumni who just watched that same man destroy a multi-generational institution. I live with one such alumni, pretty sure he's never going to donate to a foundation associated with the school that is no longer remotely the quality it was. I will reiterate that that school produced more students to go on to achieve their PHD then any other school in the US. That's what the schmuck destroyed. I have already seen three young people, children of my friends, who had been planning to go to new college and change their plans as a result of what they did to it. Why would anyone pay him for that?
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Dianna writes:

Every citizen who is following the Manatee County government and the newly appointed Supervisor of Elections- Satcher, needs to talk to others in the community and fill them in on the actions of our corrupt officials. Too many people in the community are ignorant of this travesty, especially since the local television media and others are not covering this. Most citizens are probably unaware that should your ballot need to be reviewed – it will be reviewed by the SOE and the commissioner who is appointed as the canvasser. Wonder how many of our votes will not be counted because we don’t agree with their ideology?
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sandy writes:

This property lies within the Coastal Barrier Resources System. What this means that any expenditure to develop and insure is on the private sector. they cannot have a mortgage that is federally funded or federally insured. And National flood insurance is unavailable for new construction. That includes any buyer of the residential or commercial properties. Cannot deny development but all money expended must be private. Doesn't matter what uplands it has. To change this designation they need to apply to the Dept. of Interior/Fish and Wildlife Services. This must be approved by Congress. This is not a revision of flood maps approved by FEMA. Takes several years with no guarantee. Development cannot be denied but all expenditure lies with the developer and any person willing to pay cash and try for private funding and private insurance. If there is a major storm (even with uplands there may be damage) the owner would be on their own with no aid from the federal government. Manatee County properties were incorporated in these maps back in 1990.
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Libby23@aol.com writes:

Save Florida Home Rule asks for the support of our entire community. Please come to the rally, get the scoop on what is going on, and learn how the attack on AMI cities could affect you. AMI cities now! Is your city next?
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nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Oh to have a Governor like this again. Florida has become an environmental disaster of the state’s own making.

rjckeuka4@gmail.com writes:

As a retired Student Affairs Vice President at a public university in the State, I applaud the position taken at UF to allow peaceful demonstrations, but to draw a FIRM line about threats to any individual or culture. I don't agree with the "Culture War" interpretation of it, but that's less important. Such statements should have been promulgated by universities across the country right after the Oct. 7 attack. If university administrators couldn't anticipate what has ultimately transpired on their campuses, they shouldn't be working there. If I had still been working on Oct. 7, I would have been in my president's office the next day promoting, and even writing, a strong statement condemning HAMAS, but clearly spelling out the limits of demonstrations and threats to anyone from either side, and the STRONG action the university would take against violators. Every university Judicial Code in the country contains a statement prohibiting any "threat to the health, welfare and safety" of anyone on the campus...including student groups. And universities shouldn't be hesitant to us it! It only takes quick action and the suspension of the first few violators to send a strong and clear message to others, but one has to have the courage to stand up and do it! And for those non-students who are always involved, a few quick arrests has a way of quieting them as well. Unfortunately, the 3 university presidents who testified before Congress were an embarrassment! They didn't know their Judicial Codes and certainly wouldn't take a strong stand. And look what they got...2 driven from their jobs (legitimately)...and nothing but criticism and shame for their campuses. University administrators across the country were slow and weak to respond and it's led to the current situation of on-line classes, cancelled speakers and commencements and not only disruption of the universities, but society as well. I lived through the campus uprisings of the 60's. There was a lot to be learned! As Andrew Jackson once said, "one-man-with-courage-makes-a-majority." Unfortunately, too few of them on our campuses. Richard Correnti
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WTF writes:

Charter school approval is a long long process . Many get tuned down. The 3rd grade reading level of our District is terrible. Why would I not want a better education with my tax dollars on a choice of schools including charter schools. It's my money and our children should not be hostage by a poorly run school district
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WTF writes:

Lets not forget public comment profiling by the Manatee County Sheriff Officers. If your black you have the engagement of 2 MCSO flanking each side of you when you speak. Others not at all except for a Gadfly who got the same treatment on the same day.
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WTF writes:

All concerns on a local level just get ignored such as setback for wetlands, building more homes than the infrastructures can handle and the list goes on and on dictated by the developers that control the local BOCC. The madness must stop. We need more federal agencies to get involved at every level as even our own state government including the Governor is bought and sold by our developers. Look no farther than the SOE office with a developer hand picked Bozo over and experienced person recommended by the retiring SOE, speaks volumes to this Citizen, taxpayer, and Voter. I would hope that a grand jury would look into this as well, but that office is also unresponsive to citizens’ concerns. What we allow .. will continue
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