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barbaraelliott writes:

Thank you Manatee LWV for including the good governance section each week. Citizens this is a template to write criminal ethical, Florida Bar and civil complaints. The LWV and you can file these complaints. I've filed many some with success some with disastrous results. You don't know until you try, succeed or fail until you can learn to do it right. I am only a citizen like you. It is inexcusable with all the lawyers who practice in this area and suck us dry for money, that not one steps up to to give citizens some pro bono help.
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barbaraelliott writes:

If the school superintendent and school board were meeting outside of a public meeting that could be a criminal violation of the Sunshine Law open meetings rules. File a complaint with law enforcement. The League may do so as well. We need to file, file, file these type complaints. It may be the only resource we have to hold our corrupt officials accountable. Remember hot them in their wallet and reputation. That they understand.
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barbaraelliott writes:

This sounds like a familiar Tallavast or Bayshore High School situation. Why do (13th Ave kids are mostly black/brown) we send poor or disenfranchised children to schools built on polluted landfills, industrial poisoned sites? Because the good ol boys who plan these projects are Bigots! With a capitol B. No child should be present on this disparaged land. I happen to be a disgruntled white, not brown or black citizen. The people who planned this should face a DCF investigation and charges.
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

Manatee County spends a lot of money sending our elected officials and leadership staff to FAC (Florida Association of Counties) conferences where they learn how to put the the needs of the public above all else. Ethics is a part of their education, and the FAC Code of Ethics for County Commissioners has been created by and for elected county commissioners. These principles apply to the day to day conduct of both elected and appointed officials - and employees of county government. Here is a link to the FAC reference guide. https://www.fl-counties.com/themes/bootstrap_subtheme/sitefinity/documents/2011_11_corrected_code_of_ethics.pdf
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

In my opinion, this will never be viewed as a judgement error, a close call, or a simple mistake. If our wetland policies are gutted, those who were a part of making this happen will be remembered as a part of the corruption in this dark moment of Manatee County history.
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barbaraelliott writes:

In other words while we're being gouged for example garbage and water fees, the county has money to address the situation but are sitting on it while considering once per week pickup and a 30% rise in water fees. So that means a monthly $63 water bill will go to $93 and only once per week trash pick up. Plus fees for stuff not in a can like a fridge or mattress. This is all because of poor planning and most of all overdevelopment. I no longer care about property owners rights to develop. I care about inverse condemnation, our property values and assessments, the effects on our environmental health. I care about enough Co2 and oxygen, green space. They say build and they will come, they are coming....I say don't build and they have to go somewhere else. We had a county smart growth plan until they harassed and slandered Joe McClash from office. Damn them to hell.
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barbaraelliott writes:

There is no longer meat on the citizen rights bone because government has stripped it off the bone like a pack of grey nasty rats.......The constant violation of open meetings law which includes timely notifications, accessible venues, rights to speak etc.are big weaknesses/ failures for county and city government as described by the Manatee County League of Women Voters article here. Thanks for explaining the good governance violations to us. The League could; If the public meetings law is violated there are criminal penalties. File a complaint with local law enforcement. Stay with it. Get a case number. Your complaint will be resisted perhaps ignored. Do not let it go by the way. Get that bone like a dedicated dog. Criminal complaints have the power to negate government action, put them in jail or probation, cost them personal money , wreck their reputations worse than they have already done themselves, and much more.The Since the League has laid out the violations of school board open meetings law violations so adeptly, they should file first. However, their article is your citizen complaint template. The more complaints the better. The key is Florida Sunshine Law/open meetings rules. A Florida Commission on Ethics Complaint will be returned if it refers to statutes that carry criminal penalties. So file with law enforcement. Discrimination in meetings, untimely or no notice, accessibility, venue and more are against the law. So also complain to DOJ that the county government is discriminating in open meetings law and violating your constitutional rights. Your rights to redress government, free speech and more are being violated. . Put a lid on that pressure pot. The more collateral damage the better. Pressure them to watch their pees and ques. After all, when you comment at BOCC and COB officials at meetings all you get is a blank look with no questions, comments or replies to your concerns. If you want their attention go criminal. Besides open meetings laws, Florida statute 838 come to mind, 'Misuse of Public Office'. Go get them you dear, citizen pitbulls. I'm here for questions Barbara Elliott Stone Soup Manatee stonesoupmanatee@yahoo.com 941-447-9929
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

Suggestion - those making the decision should contact the Pasco County commissioners and leadership team to ask about Don Rosenthal’s performance as county administrator in Pasco. Seems like an easy way to understand if he’s the right guy for Manatee. The others are very interesting.
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

I’m proud of the Planning Commission’s vote! I know the commissioners are under a lot of pressure to strip the wetland regulations or face the political hack’s postcard campaign. A lying postcard campaign isn’t so bad - in contrast, a legacy of environmental destruction is pretty tough on the family name. I hope they make their kids proud and do the right thing.
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Cat L writes:

Unsurprising that he would do something like this, he's a petty tyrant. That's a shame, though. The neonazi Gov needs to go.

Cat L writes:

Interesting. Wondering if it's another case of "these are the two we planned on, so... let's just do this."

pdsinc@gmail.com writes:

Shame, Shame. No compassion for Veterans with problems or NIBY ?

barbaraelliott writes:

Than you Glen. The nonsense government and the phosphate industry are indulging in is a horrible harm to the public, tied up with campaign contributions to wannabe grand Pubba politicians. I am sick of all of you as are citizens. We are sick and tired of paying financially, physically, and emotionally for your greed and lust for a grand legacy. We are not and will no longer pay for overdevelopment. We already paid our way. I'm not living in Cracktown on a fixed income so I can pay for someone's $1.5 million dollar homes garbage/water bill in Lakewood Ranch or Parrish. One example is the soon to rise water/garbage rates. They are going up because overdevelopment has overfilled the landfill. If there wasn't overdevelopment this wouldn't happen. Maybe water rates should be based not only on usage but also the length of time you've been a MCUD customer. These new rates are a hardship and an abuse of the elderly and disabled at minimum. Expect to be sued. Back to gypsum. No no no no no no more not ever! Do not vote for a single official who favors ANY uses of gypsum.
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Charlene writes:

How very Manatee County. smh

Charlene writes:

This is a touching tribute and memory of a lady so loved in the area. So sorry for your loss, and the community's as a whole.

David Daniels writes:

"86% of LGBTQ students experienced harassment or assault in the last year." "92% of LGBTQ youth report hearing negative messages about themselves, resulting in poor self-esteem, and significant depression..." These are kids! What the heck is wrong with you, Ms. Ballard, Mr Satcher, Mr Bearden, and others that support bullying children. These kids didn't choose to get mixed messages from their bodies. These are kids just trying to be themselves - which, I hope, even Satcher and Ballard would encourage their own children to be. I can't imagine the challenges these kids face - where just going to school is a dreaded event every single day, possibly dangerous. I urge decent people to be a role model for their own children and grandchildren - support ALSO in a tangible way. Show these kids that Manatee County is not full of closed minded haters, but a community where we accept all people as equal, especially children.
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barbaraelliott writes:

At least they are properly noticing the meetings and the BOCC are holding them in proper venues that are handicap accessible and each are the same. Not so in the COB where a criminal complaint regarding open meetings law was filed by myself to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office and then hand delivered to the BPD by MSO. It ended up with Detective Lieutenant DeHaise. I met with him to deliver an additional complaint regarding one city council meeting as well as meeting sign in sheets with the meeting comment cards and the comments from the city website presentation. I asked but did not receive a case number nor have I received one as of today. I asked why had I not received a case number and DeHaise told me "because it is complicated". Then he went on vacation and afterwards I called him at BPD and left a message requesting an update. I received a call back from DeHaise. He said my complaint was hand delivered to the state attorney office by his supervisor. I asked the name of his supervisor and was told it was Paul Driscoll. Driscoll is the attorney for the BPD. I would think Chief Bevins was his supervisor. When I next contacted the SAO they had no record of the complaint. I was told since there is no case number the SAO system cannot accept it. So how did my complaint get to the SAO office? Over beers at Corky's Cigar Bar? Maybe at the Marriott? The reason I tell you this is because the county may violate the open meetings laws without you knowing. So watch each meeting and notice carefully. I hope you don't need to file charges because you see the crap I am getting. That's ok. Next stop is internal affairs, then FDLE and DOJ if I have to. The COB violated citizens constitutional rights to free speech, access to meetings and more. They said "it's already paid for" but the price tag now is 50-60 million dollars. Lied. Changed the presentation from one meeting to the next. Most of all city hall sits on public parkland named Tallant Park. This will be the fourth area of parkland one developer was given by the city over a number of years. The parkland belongs to you and the COB is going to let the same ol builder, build a twenty story condo on your parkland. I am not going to relent on this complaint I filed. Will you help me? Please send an email to the BPD or call and ask "Where is Barbara Elliott's criminal complaint regarding the sale and disposition of city hall and violations of Florida open meetings law?" I'll try to post the phone numbers/email contacts for you in my next comment. Thank you to all who read this and any help or advise to get my complaint investigated properly is very greatly appreciated. Good luck with Manatee County meetings. These comp plan changes are a whole other set of conniving between public officials, we the citizens have to sort out and solve. Damn Damn Damn! .
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David Daniels writes:

We need an Independent (NPA) candidate to oppose our (I am in District 3) corrupt, condescending, immature, combative, non-forward thinking, environment-destroying, thief of a Commissioner. Maya Angelou said "when a person shows you who they are, believe them. I would hope that a candidate does not try to challenge as an R, where the vast majority of voters view the world through the lens of Fox News. A candidate should campaign to all of us, and make the election in November, not August - so all of us can vote.
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sandy writes:

A community can be more restrictive than the state and federal regulations. It is recommended. Has staff looked at any possible impacts on the Community Rating System, a program that earns credits for being more restrictive and earns discounts on flood insurance policies?
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