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KVO's handlers must have felt because of actions he did in the years since he was elected that his chances of winning dwindled. There had been speculation he would change to at large. He has to realize that the rest of the county is aware of his crap. More people are engaging this year than any year before in my 30 years here. Since District 7 is the only commissioner seat I can vote in this year, I guess this means that shortly I will start getting his political crap in the mail. I know George has made some mistakes but I would still rather see him than KVO. I changed parties so I could vote for Farrington, now voting in District 7 has now also become important in the primary. Let's vote out both Satcher and KVO in the primary.

From: Van Ostenbridge Switches Races; Will Face Kruse in GOP Dist. 7 Primary

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