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Anyone paying the least bit of attention knows that Kruse has been the ONLY commissioner that has been going to bat for taxpayers while VanOStenbridge has been satisfying developers, on his knees under Carlos Beruff's desk. Kruse pushed for fair impact fees to relieve taxpayers from the burden of subsidizing overdevelopment, while VanOstenbridge dragged his feet, every day of delay taking money from us and giving it to developers. Kruse pushed for Veteran's housing, VanOstenbridge called it a homeless camp. Kruse questioned why Satcher needed a $830 million increase, VanOstenbridge just handed it over. Kruse questions why we need $30 million for a park that veterans didn't ask for, VanOstenbridge just hands it over. Kruse listens to constituents, he responds thoughtfully to email, he adds the animal shelter to the agenda and questions why the new kennels are taking so long. VanOstenbridge makes jokes with Bearden and denies shelter volunteers a chance to speak after they waited all day. VanOstenbridge responds to email with a copy/paste sentence that means he doesn't give a crap.The contrast could not be more clear.

From: Van Ostenbridge Switches Races; Will Face Kruse in GOP Dist. 7 Primary

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