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Hoarse from a cold, Biden still showed up and provided the assurance that not only does he know how to tell the truth, but he has made a host of good decisions and his administration has done a remarkable job recovering from the Trump administration and the pandemic problems. At times it was difficult to hear what Biden had to say, but it certainly was a clear contrast to the firehose of lies being spewed out of Trump's maw. Was anything Trump said able to pass the fact checking? Is his audience really that unaware of Trump's lies? While much of the media generally is off seeking clicks about hoarseness and incredulously ignoring the stream of lies — I'm glad to see TBT focus on the important differences between the two participants and to note how important the reelection of Biden is for the country — if we want to "keep the rebublic"

From: Golf, abortion, Jan. 6 and felonies: Biden and Trump’s memorable debate moments

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