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With over 600 seasoned Manatee County employees possessing their combined irreplaceable institutional knowledge and experience having been run off the job over the past four years by the current developer puppet BOCC and KVO’s hand picked lackey Scott Hopes, is anyone truly surprised by the inefficient and actually chaotic actions of our Emergency Services. I submit that our current county leaders and their new hires are more concerned with approving more sprawling new development and insuring that their developer handlers pay the least which can possibly be managed toward concurrently expanded infrastructure and making growth pay for itself, than paying any attention to public safety let alone maintaining the quality of life we used to enjoy here.

The way EMS handled this tropical storm in terms of communication with the public (or should I say lack thereof) coupled with apparent uncoordinated emergency deployments of limited resources, should be raising MAJOR concerns for all of us as citizens. Had this been an actual major hurricane it is beyond doubt that there would have been significant loss of life if the same poor performance were turned in by our county. We are now facing this as a probable reality.

This is all the more reason to vote this current commission out, with one exception, and replace them with the current alternate citizens on the ballot who will represent the people of Manatee rather than the deep pocketed developers currently in control of this mess to the detriment of us all.

Seriously people, this is fast becoming, if not already become, an issue far more serious than the continued destruction of our quality of life. This is life and death. Not trying to be an alarmist, just a realist.

From: Lake Manatee Dam: Residents Frustrated by County Communications

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