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What a fiasco! Great reporting, Dawn, as usual. At Tuesday's meeting, commissioners need to call for an INDEPENDENT investigation (not one controlled by Bishop). We need someone with real expertise to look at Manatee's process (if there is one) and make improvement so this does not happen again. There are probably dozens of opportunities for improvement, including better targeting of communication, better specific information, a series of defined warnings with meaningful timelines and maps. Something like first a yellow alert - with a specific definition, then next level orange alert... or whatever system or best practice is decided upon. Another question is whether the loss of vegetation from development and clear cutting affect the impact? It appears the County could not even communicate to its own teams in the field about which areas were impacted and whether there were any evacuation routes open. A complete mess. This doubling down that everything was done exactly right is bullsh##. The goal must be that next time is handled more professionally, like the people in charge actually know what they are doing. We are owed answers and transparency. The issue is not whether opening the dam was necessary or whether doing so led to expected results. The questions are timing, communications, and whether reasonable preventative actions could have been taken .

From: Lake Manatee Dam: Residents Frustrated by County Communications

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