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Rick Scott is not a friend to Seniors and it boggles my mind how any senior could vote for him. However, the reality is that there is a simple answer to the Medicare medication cost issue. A little known fact is that the US government already has negotiated extremely low medication costs for the VA, Critical access hospitals, and the Federally Qualified Health Centers. This program is the 340B medication program. Florida Medicaid had mandated that pharmacies dispensing 340B medications could only charge the cost of the drug plus a regulated dispensing fee. The cost of these medications are far below the free market costs for consumers. Congress could enact legislation to allow Medicare recipients to access 340B medications if they were being genuine about helping Medicare recipients access affordable medications. In many cases these meds cost less than the Canadian meds, that many Medicare recipients have started to access. One current solution for Medicare recipients on expensive medications is to become a primary care patient of a Federally Qualified Health Center and access the pharmacy run by the Center. Manatee County currently has a Federally Qualified Health Center (Manatee County Rural Health Services, Inc.) with many locations in the County,

From: Democrats take on Rick Scott for voting against reducing Medicare drug prices

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