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It appears to be violation, too many variables to be more than a coincidence. The first and most obvious is that two commissioners both knowingly knew that Jon Mast was going to be at the luncheon. This should have been a red flag to all parties involved. No precautions were taking such as meeting with each elected official separately with Jon Mast, that did not happen. Even to suggest that Lee Washington to hire Jon Mast without going through the proper protocols and procedures in itself should set off alarm bells. To do did it openly and out in public shows lack of integrity of all parties involved. Interesting enough that after Jon mast was rejected, he could have went into the pool of candidates to apply for the job properly, he did not. His involvement with the building industry and our large developers is even a larger red flag to this concerned citizen. Both elected officials took training from the county Attorney on sunshine laws. They did not air on the side of caution in this situation when they should of. On the surface this is an open and shut case guilty as charged. In the muddy, corrupt waters of the manatee political arena probably a little or nothing will become of it. Integrity and moral values have become lost with the entire board.

What we allow…..will continue

From: MCSO Forwards "Whistleblower Case" to State Attorney Office

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