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Listened to whole podcast when only interested in the Brodsky information. I have to say I personally don't care about DeSantis's height. My late husband for years wore cowboy boots with heels when he was a truckdriver. Drivers' license said he was 5'10". Actual height 5'8". It made himself feel better. When we moved to Florida and he went to work for the county golf course he couldn't wear the boots anymore. He had to wear work boots with steel toes and when not working wore sneakers. As someone who has been short (extremely 4'11") all my life and I did wear 3" heels when I was younger (agree with Dawn not comfortable) I started wearing comfortable shoes (flats, or maybe 1" wedge). I worked for the county and stood next to KVO and Hopes. They were no more taller than me by 2-3". What does their bios say?

From: Podcast Ep. 113: Dawn Kitterman

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