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Biden must find a way to back out of running or our country is at serious risk of civil violence breaking out in protest of a Trump presidency. A Trump win means the end of the rule of law. He will end his legal indictments and pardon all convicted Jan 6 participants. This will cause outrage and divide this country to the point where people will become violent. Trump will use the promise of pardons so that the executive branch (including law enforcement) is not constrained and groups like the Proud Boys will be emboldened to physically oppose protestors - and there will be plenty to protest against.. Biden is weak and not respected. Biden lost my support in the first month of his Presidency with the inexcusable blunder of appointing shy, timid, Merrick Garland as Attorney General. By hiding from the obviously out of control border, Biden has let Republicans pin Congress's failure to address immigration on him. Trump is rightfully despised by a majority of voters, but Biden is the one Democrat candidate Trump can beat. I will blame Biden's failure to withdraw for the violence that will come with Trump.

From: Border Crisis Could be an Albatross for Dems in 2024

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