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I first heard of Hopes when School Board member Karen Carpenter announced her retirement and she endorsed me to be appointed to the seat, as I had recently lost the election for Dave Miner’s seat by 1/2 of a percent. John Colon told me a new guy named Scott Hopes wanted to relocate to the area, was a friend of Gov Scott, and would receive the appointment. Hopes and I both interviewed with the Education Commissioner in Tallahassee and Hopes was selected. Hopes later laughed with me and told me that I wasted my time driving to Tally, as his appointment to the School Bd was a done deal. Fast forward to Hopes’ appointment as County Administrator - he soon after refused to speak or meet with me once the local political operatives told him that they had a fool-proof plan to unseat me as a commissioner and would put the $$ behind it to ensure it happened. He then began meeting with my opponent and the other future chosen commissioners who would be elected to formulate their plans for the county. As MLK said, “the arc of justice is long”, but we eventually get there. This is one small step forward.

From: More Details Released in Criminal Charges Against Former Manatee County Administrator Scott Hopes

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