BRADENTON -- Robert Moates says he wasn't surprised that MEA Tiger did not choose to endorse him for the four-way District 2 Manatee School Board race. The political arm of the Manatee Education Association has endorsed longtime education activist Dave "Watchdog" Miner.
"As a teacher, I chose not to become a member of the teacher's union 10 years ago and have never joined, thus I had no expectation that the union would ever endorse my candidacy for School Board," said Moates. "I am proud of the support I have received from so many of my fellow teachers, both union and non-union, across this county. They believe, as I do, that we need a new direction for our schools and that we need someone on the board who understands and has worked in our classrooms."
The Home Builders Association Manatee-Sarasota and the Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance have both endorsed Moates in the race. William Chaltis, another candidate in the race, has been a union member since he began teaching 12 years ago, but had no comment on MEA Tiger's decision not to endorse him. "That's their decision to make," said the Palmetto High teacher. "The union is going to do what they're going to do. I don't really have a comment on that."
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