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Barfield Hilariously Trolls Commissioners on Scandals During Public Comments

BRADENTON – A Manatee County Commission meeting took a turn for the satirical on Tuesday when a citizen urged commissioners to declare Manatee County a "safe zone" for oak trees and potted bougainvillea.

Michael Barfield, a local advocate of public access to government and the Former President of the ACLU of Florida, stepped to the podium Tuesday during public comment on future agenda items.

Addressing the board, county administrator, and county attorney, Barfield opened by stating, "I appear before you today to ask that you take immediate action to protect our vanishing plant species native to Manatee County."

He went on to identify oak trees and potted bougainvillea as the specific plant species of concern–presumably a reference to two separate instances involving Manatee County Commissioners.

"We’ve had a documented incident of a truck crashing head-first into an oak tree," Barfield explained with a straight face. "More recently, there has been a documented instance of a potted bougainvillea disappearing in the middle of the night."

Barfield told the board that legislation was needed that imposed "stiff penalties" to protect oak trees and against the removal of potted bougainvillea. Concluding his comments, Barfield urged commissioners to "act immediately," telling them that the protection of these "native species" is "literally in your hands."

County Commissioner George Kruse–who currently faces charges brought by the state attorney’s office of driving under the influence–crashed his Ford F150 into an oak tree near his home in April. The commission’s chair, Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge, was recently named a suspect in a Bradenton Police Department incident report involving the alleged theft of a potted bougainvillea from the property of one of his district’s constituents. Contents of the incident report and evidence in the left case have been forwarded to the state attorney’s office for review.

When Barfield concluded his comments on Tuesday, Van Ostenbridge only said, "Thank you," before moving forward with the meeting. Kruse, however, took an opportunity to briefly respond to Barfield's public comments.

"Mr. Barfield, you will be happy to know we have a tree fund that helps compensate for oak tree removal whether intentional or otherwise," Kruse responded. "As for the potted plant–I can’t speak to that specifically, I’m awaiting information from our environmental land group."

To replay Barfield's public comments from Tuesday, click the video below.

Though Van Ostenbridge declined to acknowledge Barfield’s statements referencing a potted bougainvillea having disappeared in the midst of night, later in the meeting, Van Ostenbridge did find an opportunity to give a passing nod to his alleged adoration of plants.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Commissioner Misty Servia provided a commissioner update to the board sharing information about a plant symposium scheduled to be held this coming weekend within her district. Servia described the event as educational instruction on plant care and soil health.

Immediately following Servia, Van Ostenbridge interjected. "I love plants, that’s really interesting," Van Ostenbridge said, appearing to resist a grin. "I might attend that."

To replay Servia's commissioner comments and Van Ostenbridge's reply, click the video below.


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