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Bill to Limit Citizens Insurance Eligibility Moves Forward

Snowbirds could see insurance rates soar


TALLAHASSEE — A bill filed by Senator Jim Boyd (R-Bradenton) would prevent Florida residents who do not live here year-round from using Citizens—the state's property insurer of last resort—to get property insurance for their vacation homes. The bill looks to be headed to the Senate floor after passing a key committee vote unanimously on Tuesday.

Senate Bill 1716 will make it impossible for second homeowners in Florida to get their property insurance through Citizens if they get a private offer, regardless of how much more expensive and/or less comprehensive the coverage is. Senate Bill 1716 passed the Fiscal Policy Committee on a 19-0 vote. On Friday, a companion bill in the House passed 81-21.

"The bill permits an eligible lines insurer, under certain conditions, to take second homes out of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, and those conditions that they must follow is the insurer must be A-rated or higher by AM Best, and the insurer must use a Florida resident surplus lines broker," said Boyd during a Senate Committee on Banking and Insurance meeting.

The state does not regulate surplus lines insurers' rates. There are currently between 45,000 and 60,000 policies with Citizens that are considered second homes to the insurer and would become ineligible for coverage by Citizens if the bill passed.


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  • rayfusco68

    There is a simple solution for the Citizens homeowner insurance debacle. If Medicare for all were implemented you would solve two problems for Florida. First all citizens would have affordable healthcare coverage and second the Medicaid program costs would be eliminated from the Florida budget freeing up a proposed 33.2 billion dollars from the proposed Florida budget that could be used to reduce taxes, supplement other needs such as Citizens insurance.

    Sunday, March 3, 2024 Report this

  • kmskepton

    This is interesting. I have sent an email to Senator Boyd asking him some questions. Wonder if I will heard back. Will let you know.

    Sunday, March 3, 2024 Report this

  • delswick14

    Excellent idea from rayfusco68

    Sunday, March 3, 2024 Report this

  • spiceyar

    Yes, take the Federal money for Medicaid!!! People need the coverage!!!

    Sunday, March 3, 2024 Report this

  • rayfusco68

    spiceyar, what don't you understand about Medicare for ALL. You wouldn't need Medicaid and the bureaucracy that goes with it.

    Sunday, March 3, 2024 Report this

  • kperry48

    I have sent several emails to Senator Boyd and I have never gotten a response. Members of our condominium association have sent him letters and no response. Has he ever had a town meeting?

    Sunday, March 3, 2024 Report this