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BOCC Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: 5/2/2013


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Land Use Meeting Commissioners voted to amend Ordinance 13-15, to allow "pet hens" to be exempt from being referred to as farm animals (chickens) only. Commissioners approved, with "special considerations," a permit for the Goodwill corporate campus at 51st Avenue and U.S. 301. And in other business, after hours of debate, Commissioners continued the Martin/Hillwood development until June.   

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman )

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Michele Hulbert, Baha'i Faith of Manatee County




REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

2. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 050213.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

Building and Development Services

3. FINAL PLAT - River's Reach, Phase 1A

Attachment: River's Reach, Ph. 1A Bonds & Agrmts.pdf

Attachment: River's Reach, Ph. 1A Suppl Declaration.pdf

Attachment: River's Reach, Ph. 1A Application.pdf



Building and Development Services

4. Planning Commission Appointment

Attachment: PC newapppkt 1305.pdf

Attachment: Applications for PC 5-2-13 Short LIst.pdf

Attachment: Applications for 5-2-13 PC rest of applicants.pdf -- Tanya Lukowiak --  Approved 4-3


D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

5. PA-13-02/Proposed Ordinance 13-06 - University Village, LLC - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - University Village - PA-13-02 Ord. 13-06 - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PA-13-02 Proposed Ordinance 13-06 - University Village - 5-2-13 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Village - PA-13-02 - 5-2-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

6. Ordinance 13-15 - Land Development Code Amendment - Definition of Farm Animals (Chickens) - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson

Attachment: Ordinance 13-15 - Chickens - LDC Amendment - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit A- Definitions - Chickens - Ord. 13-15 - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Ord. 13-15 Chickens - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Ordinance 13-15 - Chickens - 5-2-13 BOCC.pdf -- This was the first of three hearings to amend the Land Development Code. Original code will remain and chickens will continue to be referred to as farm animals, but the changes will exempt "pet hens" from the code. Next hearing will be June 6, 2013 -- No Action

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Building and Development Services

7. PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 2705 51st Avenue East, LLC - Goodwill Corporate Campus - DTS20130070 - B00000181 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Goodwill corporate campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit B to Ordinance - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental Information - Applicants response to public comments - Goodwill Corporat Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planning - Goodwill Corporate Campus - PDC-13-04(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf -- Attorney Will Anderson represented the applicant (John McKay). Request to rezone from A-1 to Commercial for a retail store and out parcel. Commission agreed on a 20 ft. setback, from 30 ft. and applicant was not sure what would occupy the out parcel but wanted to leave open the possibility of a drive-thru. -- Approved, Unanimous

8. PDR-05-64(Z)(G) - fka PDR-15-64(Z)(P) - Martin-Hillwood - DTS#20050454 - Quasi-Judicial - Miles Gentry - Continued from April 3, 2008 readvertised

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning, and Aerial - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) - fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: School Report - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comment - Martin Hillwood PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P).pdf

Attachment: Slideshow Planning - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow Public Works - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Martin Hillwood - PDR-05-64(Z)(G) - fka PDR-05-64(Z)(P) - 5-2-13 BC.pdf -- More than 30 residents addressed the commission with pictures identifying the conditions of the road, creek and land, and how none of them could support an additional 500 people and their cars. Commissioner DiSabatino motioned to continue the hearing until the first date it could be rescheduled, so that the applicant could reformulate their request. -- Approved, Unanimous (Full Story to follow) 




9. Full Agenda

Attachment: 130502 BC Docs.pdf




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