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BOCC Schedule Packed with Hearings on Major Land Use Changes

BRADENTON – A number of consequential public hearings related to Manatee County land use regulations will take place in the coming weeks and months, beginning with Thursday’s item-rich planning commission meeting.

Items on Thursday’s meeting include:
  • A rezone that will allow for390 multifamily units plus commercial on 50 acres in Parrish.
  • Another Parrish rezone that will allow for 380 single-family attached/detached/semi-detached residential units with multi-family townhome unit subdivision
  • A county Initiated Text Amendment to add the allowance for a reduced front yard and to add the common stipulation for minimum distance between equipment in side yards.
  • A land development code text amendment to revise section 706.3: Conservation easements
  • A county initiated land development code text amendment to modify section 401.5.B.4 to remove the requirement for residential buildings to face the street.
One week later, on October 20, the BOCC will conduct a land use meeting packed with public hearings. In December, SMR will attempt to get a rezone from UF-3 to residential/9 units-per-acre on a Lakewood Ranch parcel.

A yet unscheduled hearing will decide whether a future land use change will allow 32.4 acres located east of the FDAB and designated agricultural will be rezoned to 3 houses per acre. Click here to see the full schedule of BOCC land use public hearings in upcoming months.


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