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Council Corner: Pam Coachman, Ward Five

So much is on the horizongrand openings, kick-off projects, and departments full of staff eager to enhance the lives of our citizens.

Several community meetings have been held in Ward 5. The Juneteenth Celebration of 2022 was bigger and better than the year before. We look forward to being a part of the coming Juneteenth festivals and the formation of many other community events.

As always, your input is of priceless value. We ask that you continue calling, e-mailing, writing, texting, and attending meetings, whether as an individual or as a group represented by a designate. There are many advisory boards, along with City Council and CRA meetings.

Please know that your comments are not falling on deaf ears. The processes in government can churn slowly. Staff is exploring avenues to enhance and streamline the handling of various service requests made each day. We strive to address the ills that all municipalities are facing across this great nation.

Let us work together in unity without distracting division.


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