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County to Phase in Modest Water Rate Increase

BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, Manatee County Commissioners returned to the issue of potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater rates after previously asking staff to bring back additional options that might be less painful for citizens already reeling from inflation. The board ultimately approved a modest increase for the next two years, at which time rates will be re-evaluated.

Commissioners were told that a previously-indicated desire not to raise rates would have profound impacts on planned infrastructure projects, including cutting $375 million for the previously approved FY23-27 capital improvement play and nearly $445 million through FY28.

Commissioners agreed that the county could not afford to make such cuts to the CIP, while staff informed them that an option to put the first two years of increases on commercial use only would create an increase that the county's rate consultant had advised would not be defensible, as the county simply didn't have a residential to commercial ratio that would allow for such a strategy.

Commissioners ultimately decided to go with "option 2," which will see the county raise rates by 9.75% for the next two consecutive years before tying increases to the Consumer Price Index thereafter. This would allow the county to fully fund the CIP while giving staff two years to evaluate grants and improved efficiency opportunities that could somewhat mitigate further increases.

Manatee County has some of the lowest rates in the region and staff noted that the increase would still place it below average when compared to surrounding communities. Staff advised that the average bill of $78.40 would increase by $7.64 the first year and $8.39 the second.

Option 2 passed by a 6-1 vote with Commissioner Baugh dissenting.


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