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Dr. Robert McCann

The Bradenton Times endorses and strongly recommends you vote for Dr. McCann.

Manatee County District 5 Commission Candidate Dr. Robert K. McCann, DO, JD, MBA

Political platform statement

McCann has loudly decried the outsized influence that developers currently enjoy and has pledged to restore local government to a body that is truly representative of the people in our community instead of a limited cabal of special interests. What’s more, he has a proven track record of someone with both the integrity and fortitude to deliver on such promises.

McCann is a Navy veteran, a recently retired physician, and a lawyer who also holds a Master’s in Business/Health Care Administration. In 2000, he was vetted as a candidate for U.S. Surgeon General. His education and broad diversity in professional experience make him one of the most qualified and interesting county commission candidates we have come across.

Dr. McCann was a loud voice of opposition in both instances and has championed a commitment to small government and fiscal conservatism, traditional GOP ideals that Turner and his allies have eschewed at every opportunity.

If you want responsive elected officials who are unafraid of standing up to special interests, The Bradenton Times strongly recommends you vote for Dr. McCann.

From the Candidate:

Have a question or would like to discuss an issue that is important to you? email me: rkmccanndojd@gmail.com
“The power and authority of the government originates with the people."
- Dr. Robert "Bob" McCann

The Issues My Solutions!

 Protect our Natural Resources

We must protect Florida’s natural beauty and heritage including our wetlands and wildlife habitats. I'll fight to get back the 50-foot wetland buffer that the current Board took away!

 Address Traffic Congestion

We must make investments in vital infrastructure and technology to maximize traffic flow and minimize stop-and-go traffic, before approving any further building and development that affects roadways. These investments will be paid for by fully-funded impact fees on new developments, state, federal, and public-private partnership funding. Potholes, lengthier commutes, health and safety issues, accidents, and increased insurance costs are all consequences of congested roads. In order to maintain and repair roads, control storm drainage, and lessen bottlenecks, I will push to create necessary infrastructure, such as bridges, roads, walkways, water and sewage systems, and traffic flow enhancers.

Promote Parks

Recreation is important for our multigenerational families, and we need to build the pickleball courts, finish the facilities at Premier Park (the aquatic center, the planned event lawn (pavilion), the basketball courts, skate parks, volleyball courts, playgrounds, and the dog parks, etc.). I will prioritize the completion of Premier Park to promote the well-being of residents and fight to upgrade aging parks in our community.

 Be Accountable to Voters

As YOUR Commissioner, I will be accountable to our whole community and consider the future of Manatee County. Some developers are financing my opponent’s campaign and seek his rubber stamp with no debate and little concern for the implications to constituents. I will fight to restore dialogue by allowing call-ins, Facebook commentary, and by returning your emails.

 Support our Veterans

Supporting veterans is crucial. They've sacrificed so much for our country, and it's important to ensure they receive the care, respect, and opportunities they deserve. I will prioritize building housing, rather than monuments to care for our Manatee veterans while advocating for better healthcare, job opportunities, and mental health support.