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For the Manatee County Commission District 5 GOP Primary, We Recommend Dr. Robert McCann


The Manatee County Commission District 5 Republican primary will feature Dr. Robert McCann challenging the appointed incumbent, Ray Turner.

Turner was installed in the seat nearly a year ago to fill the vacancy created when Vanessa Baugh stepped down. His anointment followed the routine path in which former Florida Senate President Bill Galvano lobbied the governor’s office on behalf of the local developers who control the board.

Turner has been a less divisive commissioner than others in the developer-controlled majority, as he delves into hot-buttoned national issues far less often. Still, the real estate broker marches in lock step with the likes of Kevin Van Ostenbridge, Mike Rahn, and Jason Bearden whenever it comes to votes in which the development cabal has an interest in the outcome.

Turner routinely hides behind the opinions of the experts on our staff without acknowledging the degree to which staff is being directed by Van Ostenbridge on behalf of people like Carlos Beruff and Pat Neal. If you think developers have too much control over our county government, you do not want to vote for Ray Turner, as he has demonstrated nothing but fealty when it comes to their interests.

McCann is a Navy veteran, a recently retired physician, and a lawyer who also holds a Master’s in Business/Health Care Administration. In 2000, he was vetted as a candidate for U.S. Surgeon General. His education and broad diversity in professional experience make him one of the most qualified and interesting county commission candidates we have come across.

McCann has loudly decried the outsized influence that developers currently enjoy and has pledged to restore local government to a body that is truly representative of the people in our community instead of a limited cabal of special interests. What’s more, he has a proven track record of someone with both the integrity and fortitude to deliver on such promises.

Ray Turner is a developer-backed puppet who stands to gain from the overdevelopment of our county. He voted in favor of eviscerating our county’s wetland protections and giving developers a massive discount on the impact fees that are meant to ensure we have the financial resources to ensure that there is adequate infrastructure for new growth. Dr. McCann was a loud voice of opposition in both instances and has championed a commitment to small government and fiscal conservatism, traditional GOP ideals that Turner and his allies have eschewed at every opportunity.

If you want responsive elected officials who are unafraid of standing up to special interests, The Bradenton Times strongly recommends you vote for Dr. McCann.

For the Manatee County Commission D-7 GOP Primary, We Recommend George Kruse
For Manatee County SOE, TBT Recommends Scott Farrington


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  • rjckeuka4

    It's about time some highly qualified candidates took a step forward and ran for these all-important positions. The clowns elected/appointed over the past four years don't have the qualifications nor the executive level experience to hold such positions...and Commissioner is the highest paying job they've ever held!

    Friday, July 19, 2024 Report this

  • susieb.copeland

    Sorry I can’t vote in D5, but support recommendation. Voters need to the right thing and vote for people who will truly work on their behalf, not special interest groups.

    Saturday, July 20, 2024 Report this