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Hands Across the Sand to Protest Loss of Home Rule on AMI


Hands Across the Sand will hold a demonstration on Manatee Public Beach, north of the entrance, on April 13 at 3:00 p.m. Look for our white tent.

Our beautiful island cities are under attack by lawmakers who want to usurp local control. Send the message that residents and visitors love AMI the way it is. Insist on keeping the three Anna Maria Island cities intact. 

Help us protect paradise and save home rule and tell officials, “Keep your hands off our Island cities.” Sponsored by Save Florida Home Rule, a non-partisan working group to save local control of Florida cities. There is not a high–rise in sight. Let’s keep it that way!

Parking: Wherever it is legal, including the Manatee Public Beach parking lot and the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation parking lot. You can also take the trolley. Bring your friends, a hat, and water to drink. 

Email: SaveFloridaHomeRule@gmail.com Facebook: Save Florida Home Rule AMI.


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  • Dianna

    This is no longer just an island issue.  LLC's are purchasing and placing hotel houses in every neighborhood.  Houses are put under contract in less than 24 hours and lots are being cleared of most vegetation which is being replaced by tarping and shelling.  Residents will now be living next to a revolving door of guests.  What is the sense of having residential zoning if you are allowed to use property in such a short term manner? 

    Thursday, March 28, 2024 Report this