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Jennifer Lynne Hamey

Political platform statement

Why I am running for this office: I am running because I am very concerned with the lack of representation of the businesses and residents in our county. This BOCC has chosen to focus on limited special interests to the detriment of the quality of life for the rest of us. As a practicing attorney and a very involved community member, I believe I possess the education and experience necessary to do the job as County Commissioner successfully with positive outcomes for the people living in this county.

Home town: Northfield, Ohio

Education/Profession: Profession: Attorney at Law, 2006 through the present Education: North Central Technical College, Associate Degree, Paralegal Studies, 1998 University of Akron, Bachelor's Degree, Psychology, 2002 University of Akron, Doctorate Degree, Law, 2006 Walden University, Master's Degree, Forensic Psychology, 2016

Position statement 1: Future planning for roads, bridges and transportation. I will speak to representatives at the State and Federal Levels to work at get funding locally. Conduct studies to look at mass transit options for the Parrish area. Evaluate use of traffic lights and roundabouts for appropriate costs/uses. Work on public/private partnerships with local contractors and developers to get projects completed more quickly and at less costly to taxpayers.

Position statement 2: Environmental & Conservation Concerns. I will work with ELMAC to secure properties with funds from Conservation and Parks Project Referendum. Immediately motion to reverse Ordinance No 23-66 which removed the wetland buffers. Work with Peace River & FPL to explore other alternate water sources. Vote No against projects that adversely effect the people, animals and businesses in the county.

Position statement 3: Development, Affordable Housing, Homeless/VA Services. Research surrounding counties who have developed successful plans for affordable housing and implement in Manatee Co. Increase impact fees for developers seeking to build in Manatee Co. Refuse to approve projects or rezones that do not follow LDC requirements. Look for incentives for developers to build affordable housing. Work with industrial organizations for incentives to build and create better paying jobs in Manatee Co.

Position statement 4: Ethics, Transparency & Community Outreach. I will strive towards undoing the damage that has been done by previous officials resulting in a loss of trust in our community. I would immediately move to bring back call-in comments for citizens as well as allow social media comments. I will always be respectful and engaging with anyone who wishes to speak to me about questions or concerns. I will hold town halls to be accessible to residents and businesses and always return phone calls and emails. I will work on conducting surveys to get feedback from residents about upcoming issues. For the employees working for the county, I will work to create a supportive environment where they can speak freely about concerns and offer solutions for county matters. I believe in a teamwork approach to be successful.

Position statement 5: Fiscal Responsibility. I intend to do a line-item review of the budget and upcoming proposed projects to evaluate the necessity and prioritize projects according to most needed. I will look to reduce costs where we are able while still meeting the needs of the county. I will look into alternate options to end or reduce real estates on homesteaded properties, especially for the elderly population. Refrain from unnecessary spending, especially in the areas of taking out more bonds and loans for expenses. Use my legal expertise to review contracts the county has with various providers and services to determine if they are in the best interest of the constituents.

Endorsements: Florida Forward Party