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Law Enforcement Robert Meyer Named BPD Officer of the Month


BRADENTON – Bradenton Police Officer Robert Meyer has been selected to receive the Officer of the Month award for December 2012 after being recognized by his peers and the public for his involvement in three recent cases. He was nominated by Sgt. Sean O’Leary.


On Oct. 30, an armed robbery occurred on Manatee Avenue West where the suspects left in a vehicle where a partial tag was given by a witness to BPD dispatch. Officer Meyer used his vehicle’s LPR system to quickly enter the partial tag and locate a match for the vehicle, thus providing the detectives with valuable information that could be followed-up on.

Another incident was a complimentary correspondence from a woman through the Bradenton Herald where she praised Officer Meyer for his caring and compassion regarding an injured animal that needed assistance and was ultimately saved.

Also mentioned in the nomination of Officer Meyer is that he continues to generate respectable activity in his zone and frequently leads all other officers in many of the accountability areas including traffic stops and arrests. He was referred to as an “extremely proactive police officer and an example for all other officers both new and experienced to follow.”


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