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Local Government BOCC Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: 8/6/2012


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Land Use Meeting, Willowbrook residents returned to hear what the BOCC legal department had to say about the shabby and unsafe conditions they have been forced to live in. They first brought their complaint to the BOCC August 22. County Commissioners later approved Royal Palm Condominium and apartments for 216 multi-family resident units, East of US 301 and South of SR 70.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (John R. Chappie, Chairman)


The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.

1. Invocation led by Pastor Roberto Adorno, Healing Rooms of Bradenton


2. Updates to Agenda


3. Proclamation for Tribute to Heroes Day - September 11, 2012

Attachment: proc_Tribute to Heroes Day 2012.pdf

4. Willowbrook Condo Report to BOCC --  Willowbrook residents return to speak before the commission. This time George Glance, president of KB Homes, showed up to explain KB's story. (Full Story) 

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

5. Clerks Consent Agenda

Attachment: 20120906.pdf

APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, Unanimous

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda) -- Approval, Unanimous

SWEARING IN: All Staff and Public Wishing to Speak

B. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (presentation upon request)

Building and Development Services

6. PDC-12-08(G) - DTS#20120251 - North River Village - Lisa Barrett - Item has been withdrawn by applicant -- Withdrawn from Agenda 

7. PDMU-11-12(G) - DTS#20110203 - HC Properties, LLC - Shops at Harrison Ranch - Lisa Barrett - To be continued to December 6, 2012 -- Continuance Approval, Unanimous. 

8. PDI-12-07(G) - US 41 Commercial - Kathleen Thompson - Quasi-Judicial -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Maps - Zoning, Future Land Use and Aerial - PDI-12-07(G) - US 41 Commercial.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PDI-12-07(G) - US 41 Commercial 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - PDI-12-07(G) - US 41 Commercial 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - PDI-12-07(G) - US 41 Commercial 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - PDI-12-07(G) - US 41 Commercial 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

9. PDR-07-06(P)(R) - DTS#20120166 - Insignia Bank, LLC / Eagle Trace Subdivision - Stephanie Moreland - Quasi-Judicial  -- A County ordinance requires developments with more than 100 units to have more than one access road. The Eagle Trace project preliminary approval was given before the rule was adopted. Commissoner DiSabatino said she would not have voted in favor, had the project not got permission prior to the rule. Commissioners McClash and Gallen felt it best to not support the request without there being a second road other than the gravel emergency road in the plan. -- Approved, 5 -- 2,  McClash and Gallen dissenting

Attachment: Staff Report - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank LLC - Eagle Trace - 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval request - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank - Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use - Zoning and Aerial - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow from Staff - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Prior Approval - PDR-07-06(P)(R) - Insignia Bank - Eagle Trace 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

C. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (presentation scheduled)

Building and Development Services

10. PDMU-12-04(G) - DTS#20120132 - Royal Palm Condominium or Apartments - Quasi-Judical - Stephanie Moreland -- The PDMU zoned 38.5 acre parcel, east of US 301, west of 33rd Street East and just south of S.R. 70 in Bradenton was said to be "ideal for higher density" according to Brian Litchterman, owner of Visions Planning & Design, representing the Royal Palm Development. Litchterman, a former 22 year-senior planner with Sarasota County Government said, "We have met all of the requirements and agree with all of the stipulations that staff has requested." Additional stipulations, over and above what staff requested, were in place before County Commissioners approved the project for general use. The additions were: providing a turn lane on 33rd Street; buildings set back 100 feet; no pedestrian access to the Briarwood subdivision; advertise a public hearing.


Kent Geartz, Shearon Perish and Robert Green were some of the residents who spoke against approving the project with concerns about the density. -- Approved, 6 -- 1, DiSabatino dissenting


Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial PDMU-12-04(G) Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts - 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Pam Condo or Aprt 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Elevation from PC - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow from applicant at Planning Commission PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow from Publc Works at Planning Commission PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow from staff - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Approval from 2006 - PDMU-12-04(G) - Royal Palm Condo or Apts 9-6-12 BOCC.pdf








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