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LWV Manatee County Commission Notes: 8/13/24


The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Government Committee observes Manatee County Commission meetings for items of interest to citizens and the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the Sunshine Law. The following are the major points from the board’s regular meeting on 8/134/24.

Link to Agenda

Link to Meeting Video

Quorum of 6 - District 1 Commissioner position vacant.

Invocation – Pastor Gene McIntyre

Pledge of Allegiance Dylan Rawley, Eagle Scout


Presentation - Update on Invest 97L (Hurricane Debby) [abbreviated due to online video starting late]

  • 24-hr rainfall totals were 11.5-12.5”; originally forecast for 5-10”.
  • Rubbish trucks will be rolling through impacted neighborhoods continuously through the 26th (may be extended). People do not need to worry about pickup being missed; the trucks will be back.
  • Call 311 if need help and/or information is needed.
  • A rescue on Tuesday in high waters was recognized and drone video of the incident was shown. Public safety staff Jodie Fiske, Andy Butterfield and a good Samaritan, Derek Beldon, were lauded for bravery and concern for the citizen. The Board awarded certificates of recognition to the 3 rescuers.
  • Van Ostenbridge noted that analysis on what went well, poorly will be addressed after recovery is completed.

Items pulled from Consent Agenda – None


  • Proclamation Designating August 7, 2024, as "Purple Heart Day" in Manatee County. Observed annually, to honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or lost their lives while serving in the U.S. military. 3 veterans were present for the presentation.
  • Proclamation Designating August 13, 2024, as "Scouts of America Appreciation Day" in Manatee County. A local troop was highlighted for their work with enabling and communicating proper flag disposal, Dylan Rawley’s Eagle Scout project. Dylan was also provided with a special certificate of recognition. 

Selected Citizen Comments - Future Agenda Items

  • 2 citizens spoke about the animal shelter. Updates on the new shelter are moving too slowly and conditions are unacceptable. There are not enough people working to properly care for the dogs. One noted that animals were left alone during the storm with no care or feeding for 24 hours.
  • 12 citizens spoke about unprecedented storm damage, flooding due to over-development and lack of storm drain management, and the lack of time to prepare. Many expressed a need for a full independent investigation into all aspects of the storm preparation and response to help prepare for future storms. Many expressed frustrations with the lack of response by commissioners to calls and emails.

Commissioner Responding Comments:

  • Rahn noted that Jodie Fiske is available in the lobby to talk with residents.
  • Kruse responded that an independent assessment is needed to understand what happened and what can be done better and it will be done. For example, we had supplies for people in Summerfield on Sunday and were not able to distribute it all, so moved on to Myakka. FEMA is now available for uninsured people to apply for help.
  • Ballard said she was sorry for what happened and agreed an independent investigation is needed.
  • Turner said he was acutely aware of the issues and to reach out to his office for help and to organize efforts.
  • Van Ostenbridge said we are all out and about in our districts and other areas. He noted that this storm brought a 100-year flood stage. We didn’t communicate with people as needed. The Dam will be investigated.
  • Rahn said it has never been this bad. This board will do everything we can to help. Please reach out to me/us as well. He noted that the County is building an 11-acre storm retention pond in the Centre Lake area to help in future.

Citizen Comments – Consent Agenda Items: NONE

Approval of Consent Agenda, 6-0

Regular Agenda Items of Interest

Item #57 - Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen Advisory Board Applications. According to the Bylaws of the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), nominations for CAC members are recommended by the member governments for ratification by the MPO Board. Manatee County Commissioners make recommendations for appointments to the CAC. The Board voted on 2 positions.

Pat Simmons was nominated by Kruse for the disabled citizen at-large position. Citizen comment called and Pat spoke asking them to imagine being in a wheelchair during the flood last week. Approved 6-0.

Ballard nominated John Agnelli for the unincorporated position. No public comment. Approved 6-0.

Item #58 - Reconsideration of FY24/25 Non-profit Investment Recommendation for Operation Warrior Resolution.

For FY23/24, the Board approved first-year funding for Operation Warrior Resolution in the amount of $81,270. The Results First Program provides specialized mental health treatment for vets and their families suffering mental health challenges. For FY24/25, Operation Warrior Resolution applied for non-profit investments in the amount of $85,775, a 5.5% increase year-over-year.

Based on the updated scoring methodology adopted in 2023, Operation Warrior Resolution was not recommended for funding as it did not meet the Board’s minimum scoring threshold. After discussion at the July 30, 2024 Regular meeting, the Board directed staff to bring back a resolution to fund Operation Warrior Resolution for FY24/25 in the amount requested.

Funding approved 6-0

Item #59 Report – Cultivating Resilience: Oyster Restoration in Manatee County.

Discussion of several ongoing projects that involve oyster restoration in Manatee County, including 1) the Manatee River Oyster Restoration Master Plan, 2) Manatee County’s Oyster Restoration Aquaculture Lease, 3) Intertidal oyster restoration at Robinson Preserve, 4) the Oyster Shell Recycling Program, 5) Living Shoreline projects that include oyster habitat, and 6) our County-wide Vulnerability Assessment, which will also consider the benefits of oysters. Manatee County is making substantial investments in restoring habitat which in turn provides measurable benefits to recreation, sport and commercial fishing, and storm resilience for our coastlines. These activities are supported by substantial federal and state agency competitive grants secured by the Natural Resources Department over the last three years.

Commissioner Agenda Items: NONE


Link to Good Governance Guidelines

The meeting live stream started late, at 9:05, with the meeting in process during the Storm report, and cut out at 11 am, returning at 11:43 am. The replay on the County YouTube channel does not include the missing portions. Much of the very important Storm report is not available due to this.

Once again, Rahn had to be reminded to ask for public comment on the Consent agenda before the vote.

The Board unnecessarily attempted to rush the first MPO vote. After calling for public comment and seeing Pat Simmons stand to do so, several commissioners attempted to quiet her and move the nomination/vote forward. The Clerk reminded the Board that Pat should be encouraged to speak if she would like to.

Thank you to Commissioner Kruse for quickly responding to an email query about the outcome of Item #58, since the live video was unavailable for that portion of the meeting. His support for keeping citizens informed is noted.


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  • jimandlope

    Sounds like the only people who know what they’re doing are not Commissioners. James Tierney

    Sunday, August 18 Report this