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Manatee County Accepting Applications for the Health Council of West Central Florida


MANATEE COUNTY -- Manatee County is accepting applications for two positions on the Health Council of West Central Florida.

The Health Council consists of twelve members from five counties: Manatee, Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough and Polk.

The Health Council assesses the health status of area residents; collects and analyzes health care data; and develops strategies with community partners for improving health services. The Health Council is an independent, private non-profit organization governed by the member County appointees.
Manatee County appoints two members. One Manatee County position is for a representative who is a health care consumer over age 60. The other position is for a representative who is a non-governmental health care provider. Applicants should be residents of Manatee County.

Health Council members serve for a two-year term that begins Oct. 1. Council members are eligible to apply for reappointment in subsequent terms. The Council meets every other month.  Meeting times and locations are rotated between the member counties.  
Applications are due by 3 p.m., Aug. 29. The application may be found online at www.mymanatee.org/advisory_boards.
For more information, call Andy Guyre at (941) 749-3030 or e-mail him at andy.guyre@mymanatee.org.


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