BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, the Manatee School Board voted to pass a policy regarding allowable service animals on school grounds. In other business, Superintendent Mills announced a positive financial forecast for the district, and board member Barbara Harvey announced during her end of meeting comments that she would not be running for reelection in 2014.
CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed unanimously)Attachment: Board Item 06-04-14 - Approval to Accept Stop Loss Insurance Recovery.pdf
Attachment: Board Material Revised - 06-10-14.pdf
Attachment: Board Material II revised - 06-10-14.pdf
Attachment: R052714.pdf
AGENDA AMENDMENTS (Info Only) (5:50 p.m.)
5. Agenda Amendments (Passed unanimously)
6. Seniors with Thirteen Years of Perfect Attendance
RECOGNITIONS (5:58 p.m.)
7. Recognition of Retiring Principals
8. Sunshine State School Public Relations Association (SUNSPRA) Medallion Award
9. Opening Remarks by Julie B. Aranibar
10. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills
11. Citizen Budget Advisory Committee Update
12. Central Florida School Board Coalition
13. Legal Department Update
14. Internal Audit UpdateAttachment: Progress Report June 10, 2014 - Shinn and Company.pdf
15. Instructional Services Update
16. Operations Update
17. Public Comments
PUBLIC HEARING (7:25 p.m.)
18. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting New Policy 3.14, Procedural Guidelines Regarding Service Animals (Passed unanimously)Attachment: Revised Policy 3.14, Service Animal Procedural Guidelines, 053014.pdf
19. Approval of Minutes (Passed unanimously)Attachment: R052714.pdf
CONSENT ITEMS (7:38 p.m.)
Approval of Consent Agenda (Passed unanimously. Motion to approve with items 39 and 40 severed, passed unanimously)
20. Approval of Consent Agenda for June 20, 2014 - Items 21-41
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under
21. Approval of Renewal (2) on Custodial Equipment and Parts, MCSD No. 12-0076-MR, Not to Exceed $60,000.0022. Approval of the Use of the School Board of Sarasota County Bid for Hollow Metal Doors, MCSD No. 15-0006-MR, Not to Exceed $75,000.0023. Approval of Renewal (2) on Bleacher Repair Services, MCSD No. 12-0075-MR, Not to Exceed $55,000.00Attachment: 120075tR2.pdf24. Approval of Renewal (1) on Charter Bus Services, MCSD No. 14-0021-MR, Not to Exceed $100,000.0025. Approval of Rejection of Request for Proposal on School Board Policy Manual – Development and Updating Services, MCSD No. 14 0050-BS, No Financial Impact.Attachment: 140050 Vendor LK.pdf
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00
26. Approval of Bid on Painting Services, MCSD No. 14-0053-MR, Not to Exceed $175,000.00Attachment: 140053t.pdf
Attachment: 140053 Painting Services BL.pdf
Attachment: 140053 Vendor Lk.pdf27. Approval of Renewal (1) on Therapy Services- Speech and Language, MCSD No. 14-0002-RH, Not to Exceed $3,950,000.00Attachment: 140002tr1- Speech & Language with rate.pdf28. Approval of Renewal (2) on Food Service Sanitation System, MCSD No.10-0050-RT, Not to Exceed $179,000.00Attachment: 100050tR2-Sanitation.pdf29. Approval of Renewal (2) on Food Supply and Distribution Services, MCSD No. 10-0051-RT, Not to Exceed $8,000,000.00Attachment: 100051tR2.pdf30. Approval of Proposal on Principal Leadership Academy, MCSD No. 14-0039-MR, Not to Exceed $365,400.00 for a Two-Year Term July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2016Attachment: 140038t.pdf
Attachment: 140039 Vendor lk.pdf
Attachment: 140039 BL .pdf31. Approval of Renewal (1) on Therapy Services – Occupational and Physical, MCSD No. 14-0001-RH, Not to Exceed $4,025,000.00Attachment: 140001r1Rev- Florida Document (City and State).pdf
Attachment: 140001tr1Rev OT PT with rates.pdf32. Approval of Purchase(s) of Instructional Materials and Textbooks, MCSD No. 15-0003-BS, Not to Exceed $3,250,000.0033. Approval of Renewal (1) on the Use of the School Board of Hernando County Bid on Classroom Instructional Materials, Supplies and Equipment Catalog Discounts, MCSD No. 12-0016-BS, Not to Exceed $450,000.00Attachment: 120016 Florida Document No R1.pdf
Contracts and Grants
34. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the New 2014-2015 Adult General Education Grant for $514,893.00Attachment: AGE Grant $514,893.00.pdf35. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the New 2014-2015 English Literacy-Civics Education Grant for $96,506.00Attachment: English Literacy-Civics Education $96,506.00.pdf36. Approval to Accept and Expend Funds for the Florida Department of Education District Bandwidth Support Grant Action Plan on Behalf of Manatee County Schools In the Amount of $42,347.16 for the 2013-2014 School YearAttachment: Florida Department of Education Project Award Notification.pdf37. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the SunBay Middle School Digital Program and Standard Research Institute (SRI) International Grant for the total amount of $300,000.00 for the 2014-2017 School Years
Capital Projects
38. Approval of Southeast High School - Drainage Improvements - Agreement Between Owner and A.D. Morgan Corporation - Guaranteed Maximum Price in the Amount of $384,879.00Attachment: Southeast High Drainage Improvements Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: Southeast High Drainage Improvements GMP Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: Southeast High Drainage Improvements CM Contract.pdfHuman Resources
39. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and TransfersAttachment: Board Material II revised - 06-10-14.pdf (Motion to sever from consent agenda passed 4-1, with Aranibar dissenting. Motion to approve item, with scheduling of a future workshop to discuss salaries of principals, passed 4-1, with Miner dissenting.)
40. Approval to Purchase Property and Liability Insurance Coverage for the Period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 in the Amount Not to Exceed $3.2 MillionAttachment: June 10, 2014 Agenda - 2014-2015 P & L Insurance - Supplem.pdf41. Approval to Accept Stop Loss Insurance Recovery for the District's Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Program in the Amount no Less Than $628,278.68
42. Leaves for June 10, 2014 Board MeetingAttachment: Leaves 06-10-14.pdf
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent) (7:40 p.m.)
Capital Projects
43. Approval of High School Athletic Facilities - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Unit Replacement - Amendment 1 - Agreement Between Owner and NDC Construction Company - Guaranteed Maximum Price in the Amount of $274,012.00 (Passed 4 to 0, with Bob Gause recusing)Attachment: HS Athletic Facilities HVAC Unit Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: HS Athletic Facilities HVAC Unit Replacement CM Amend 1 GMP Summary & Exhibits.pdf
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (7:50 p.m.)
44. Approval of Citizen Appointment to the Value Adjustment Board for 2014-2015 (Passed unanimously)
45. Approval of Budget Amendments for April 2014 (Passed unanimously)Attachment: April 2014 Budget Amendments.pdf
46. Acceptance of the Year to Date Financial Statements through April 2014 (Passed unanimously)Attachment: April 2014.pdf
47. School Board Workshop Items
BOARD COMMENTS (8:08 p.m.)
48. Board Comments
Miner (Regarding comments from Julie Aranibar about putting numbers on public comment cards) - "I think that's a great idea."
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