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Manatee School Board Agenda Results: May 27, 2014


BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, the Manatee School Board voted 3-2 not to approve amendments to Superintendent Rick Mills's contract, with board members Julie Aranibar and Karen Carpenter dissenting; the change from a one year extension to a two year extension for the superintendent's position did not go through as a result of said vote (Full Story to come.)

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Agenda Item - Approval to Convey at Closing Noted Eastments.pdf
Attachment: Blackrock Sales Transaction-Easements.pdf
Attachment: Fund Balance Executive Summary.pdf
Attachment: 5.27.14 Sinking Fund Agreement.pdf
Attachment: 5.27.14- Manatee Sinking Fund Amendment Agreement.pdf
Attachment: Board Material 05-27-14 revised.pdf

AGENDA AMENDMENTS (Info Only) (5:47 p.m.)

5. Agenda Amendments

RECOGNITIONS (5:48 p.m.)

6. District Strategic Plan Design
7. Manatee County School Resource Officers
Attachment: BW for Proclamation for SRO Week.pdf


8. Opening Remarks by Julie B. Aranibar


9. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills


10. Parent Task Force Update
Attachment: PTF Board Presentation.pdf

11. Legal Department Update
12. Internal Audit Update
Attachment: 2009 COPS Memo.pdf
Attachment: Progress Report May 27, 2014.pdf

13. Instructional Services Update
14. Operations Update
Attachment: 052714 Operations Update - FEFP Budget Revenue Comparison.pdf


15. Public Comments

PUBLIC HEARING (6:55 p.m.)

16. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting New Policy 3.14, Procedural Guidelines Regarding Service Animals (Item withdrawn to allow for more discussion, to take place at next board meeting)
Attachment: Revised Policy 3.14, Service Animal Procedural Guidelines, 051914.pdf


17. Approval of Minutes (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: W051314.pdf
Attachment: R051314.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (7:02 p.m.)

Approval of Consent Agenda (Passed unanimously)

18. Approval of Consent Agenda of May 27, 2014 (Items 19-41)
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

19. Approval of Renewal (2) on Water Treatment Services, MCSD No. 12-0073-MR, Not to Exceed $60,000.00
Attachment: 120073Tr2.pdf

20. Approval of Renewal (2) on Boiler Repair, MCSD No. 12-0068-MR, Not to Exceed $60,000.00
21. Approval of Renewal (2) on Fire Sprinkler- Inspection and Repair, MCSD No. 10-0057-MR, Not to Exceed $55,000.00
22. Approval of Renewal (1) on Uniforms – Food Service, MCSD No. 11-0057-SM Not to Exceed $75,000.00
Attachment: 110057t1.pdf

Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

23. Approval of Proposal on Property, Casualty and Workers’ Compensation Claims Administration Services, MCSD No. 14-0037-BS, Not to Exceed $400,000.00 Per Year
Attachment: 140037t.pdf
Attachment: 140037 Bidders List VL.pdf
Attachment: 140037 Bidders List.pdf

24. Approval of Rejection of Proposal to Negotiate on Beverage Agreement, MCSD No. 14-0043-SM, No Financial Impact
Attachment: 140043BL.pdf

25. Approval to Purchase Truenorthlogic Talent Management Platform, MCSD No. 15-0010-SM, Not to Exceed $359,370.00
Attachment: TNL. Manatee Co Contract Final.05152014 4.pdf
Attachment: TNL. Manatee Co. Service Exhibits.05152014.pdf

Contracts and Grants

26. Approval of the Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission Trust Fund
27. Approval of the Contract Between the School District of Manatee County and Educational Development Associates Inc., DBA ACALETICS for the 2013 – 2014 School Year
28. Approval of the First Amendment to the Contract Between William Monroe Rowlett Academy for Arts and Communication, Inc. and the School Board of Manatee County, Florida for the School Years 2014-2019
Attachment: Rowlett Academy Amendment I 052014.pdf

29. Approval to Accept and Expend the Increase to Title 1, Part C Migrant Education Grant Funds to Provide Academic Services for Migrant Students During the Summer of 2014 in the Amount of $101,325.00
Attachment: Amendment #1 Migrant FY 14.pdf

30. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the U.S. Department of Education Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Programs in the Amount of $1,017,724.77, Effective October 2014 – September 2017
31. Approval of the Contract Between the School Board of Manatee County and Edmentum, in the Amount of $98,052.40 for the 2014-2015 School Year
Attachment: edmentum board work.pdf

32. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Renewed $407,358.00 Carl D. Perkins, Secondary Grant for the 2014-2015 School Year
Attachment: Perkins - Secondary.pdf

Capital Projects

33. Approval of One-Year Extension of Moratorium on Collection of Educational Facilities Impact Fees
34. Approval of Educational Plant Supplemental Surveys - Manatee Elementary School, Stewart Elementary School and Wakeland Elementary School
Attachment: 05.27.14 Ed Plant Supp Survey 4.8.pdf

Food Service

38. Approval of Lunch Price Increases for the 2014-15 School Year
Attachment: Copy of Meal Prices for Surrounding Counties.pdf

39. Approval to Participate in Community Eligibility Provision at District Title I Schools for 2014-15
Human Resources

40. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers
Attachment: Board Material 05-27-14 revised.pdf


41. Approval of the District Transportation Memorandum of Understanding for Charter School Bus Transportation for the 2014-2015 School Year
Attachment: Worksheet for Charters.pdf
Attachment: Charter School MOU Transportation.pdf
Attachment: MOU - SCF Collegiate School.pdf



42. Leaves for May 27, 2014 Board Meeting
Attachment: Leaves for 05-27-14.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (7:05 p.m.)

43. Financial Forecast Update
Attachment: April- Board Update.pdf
Attachment: Fund Balance Executive Summary.pdf

44. Approval to Accept 2015-2019 Manatee County Public Schools Strategic Plan-Foundations for Excellence (Vote to Approve Failed 3-2, with Harvey, Gause and Miner dissenting)
45. Approval for The School Board of Manatee County to Open Negotiations Pertaining to an Amended Contract with Superintendent Rick W. Mills (Passed 3-2, with Miner and Gause dissenting - story to follow) 
46. Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement Between The School Board of Manatee County and Rick W. Mills for the Services of Superintendent of Schools (Motion to not approve passed 3-2, with Aranibar and Carpenter dissenting - story to follow)
Attachment: 1st Amend to Employment Contract RWM 8 - 5-19-14.pdf

47. Approval of the Two-Year Extension Set Forth in the Amended Employment Agreement Between The School Board of Manatee County and Superintendent Rick W. Mills (Vote on item 46 invalidated item 47) 
48. Approval to Convey at Closing the Noted Easements at the Bayshore High and Braden River High Surplus Parcels (Passed 4-0, with Gause recusing)
Attachment: Blackrock Sales Transaction-Easements.pdf

49. Approval of High School Athletic Facilities - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Unit Replacement - Amendment 1 - Agreement Between Owner and NDC Construction Company - Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of $274,012.00 (Motion to table passed 4-0, with Gause recusing)
Attachment: HS Athletic


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