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Manatee School District to Hire 85 Additional Teachers to Accommodate Growth


BRADENTON – The Manatee County School District has plans to hire 85 additional teachers for the 2013-2014 school year based on student growth established during the first week and a half of school.

The addition of 950 students will result in the hiring of 55 classroom teachers. An additional 30 elementary school teachers will be hired to meet state Class-Size Amendment requirements. Florida’s Class Size Amendment, which took effect in 2003, restricts core classes to 18 students in prekindergarten through grade 3; 22 students in grades 4 through 8; and 25 students in grades 9 through 12.

One primary factor impacting projected growth in the school district is the expected influx of migrant students who often arrive in the school district after the school year starts.

The cost associated with hiring the additional teachers is approximately $4.3 million. The funding to cover those costs will come from $2.1 million in increased FTE from the state; $1.2 million in additional Title I funding; and $1 million that was built into the 2013-2014 tentative budget to cover costs incurred with hiring additional instructional staff.

Additional information related to these teacher hirings was discussed at Friday’s Public Hearing on the 2013-2014 budget in the Board Chambers at the School Support Center. In addition, a final Public Hearing on the budget will be held on Monday, September 9, 2013, beginning at 5:45 p.m. in the Board Chambers at the School Support Center. The School Board of Manatee County will adopt a final budget during the public hearing on September 9.


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