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Movers and Shakers: Ashley Brown of Women's Resource Ctr. Manatee Graduates from Leadership Florida

Ashley Brown 

BRADENTON – Ashley Brown, Executive Director of the Women's Resource Center of Manatee has recently graduated from Class XXI of Leadership Florida. Ashley has also received the honor of being elected to serve on the Regional Council for the Calusa Region of Leadership Florida.

Leadership Florida is comprised of a group of leaders who are chosen to participate in a series of five two and three day sessions held in cities throughout the state, their mission is to continually discover and convene committed individuals, enhancing and recharging their leadership skills by introducing them to a powerful community through whom they find knowledge and inspiration.

Ashley was among 55 leaderswho were chosen to participate in a stimulating and thought-provoking, eight-month educational program that consisted of a series of five three day sessions held in cities throughout the state. These sessions included programming on issues critical to Florida, leadership skills assessment and training, and relevant information on Florida's history, demography, diversities, and opportunities.

For more information about the Women's Resource Center of Manatee, visit WRCManatee.org.


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