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Movers and Shakers: Hernando De Soto Historical Society Announces Terri Davis as New Executive Director


The Hernando De Soto Historical Society is pleased to announced its unanimous selection of Terri Davis of Bradenton as their new Executive Director.

The process was long; however, the selection committee did not want to settle for any one person. They wanted to make sure that they had the best candidate for the position.

Terri comes to the Society with strong ties to the local community. She has an extensive history of grant writing, leading and working with various local non-profit organizations, budgeting knowledge and outstanding leadership skills. Joe Fenton, President of the historical society, stated, “We all feel confident with this selection and look forward to a long working relationship with her.”

For more information on the Hernando De Soto Historical Society, visit www.DeSotoHQ.com.


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