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Siddique Answers Culbreath's False Allegations that he Fabricated Military Associations


BRADENTON — Manatee County Commission D3 candidate April Culbreath has been attacking her Republican primary opponent, Tal Siddique, with claims that he falsely promoted his association with the military. This week, Siddique responded with proof of his work as a civil servant with the U.S. Air Force.

“The latest smear from Corrupt Cop April Culbreath is yet another lie, suggesting I never worked for the U.S. Air Force," said Siddique in a press release. "April may not be aware, but I was a civil servant who worked for the U.S. Air Force helping them lead software teams to better protect our troops and our country.

“I attached just one of my tax forms to prove this. In addition to being a civil servant working with our U.S. Air Force within the Department of Defense, I also worked with the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies in patriotic service to our country. While April was being suspended as a corrupt cop, with public records showing she was suspended for over 800 total hours for dereliction of duty and sexual misconduct, I was helping defend America.

“See through April’s last-minute, desperate lies at TheRealApril.org as we close out this campaign and vote for a transparent, ethical, new generation of Republican leadership for Manatee County.”

Tal has never claimed to be a veteran. He says that he honors and respects our U.S. servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and will continue to run a campaign grounded in facts.

This week, Culbreath sent out an "open letter" she claimed would set the record straight regarding the litany of scandals she was involved in and disciplinary actions she received while a deputy with the Manatee Sheriff's Office. The letter did not actually dispute any of the matters, and Culbreath continued to falsely claim that media outlets were silencing her responses. Read more here.

The Bradenton Times recently endorsed Siddique in the D3 Republican Primary. Listen to his episode on The Bradenton Times Podcast below, during which he made the same claims regarding his military associations. Culbreath did not respond to our invitation to be a guest, nor did she respond to our requests for comments on our reporting of her background.


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  • Debann


    Sunday, August 11 Report this

  • gwtenery

    Stolen Valor?

    This seems to be a GOP Smear that has no basis in fact.

    You see JV Vance and National Republicans questioning Tim Walz's exemplary military record to seed doubt, confusion and anger. And now the "Developer Funded" GOP Primary Candidate, with her own issues, is trying to do this locally with slick mailers and "heart tugging" television political advertisements!

    It seems Developers, and the Politicians that it "funds" are worried that Manatee Citizens might start to question why we can't have "nice things", like good government and the protection of our environment vs. the **** of our Florida Wilderness for the profit for a few!

    Sunday, August 11 Report this

  • pattybeenutty

    They did the same thing to Terri Wonder who ran for office in Manatee many years ago!

    The lies have always been the rage in Christian Manatee!

    Thursday, August 15 Report this