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Solid Waste Rate Increases Effective Oct. 1


BRADENTON — Manatee County residents can anticipate that the solid waste rate increases previously discussed by county officials will go into effect Oct. 1. Standard residential service fees for trash and recyclable collection are set to increase by roughly 60 percent— from $14.33 per month to $23.65.

A draft resolution attached to the agenda item helped to display the comparable changes to current service rates.

The draft version of the resolution also included the comparable rate changes for the county’s commercial customers as well as the changes for certain one-time services.

Earlier this month, a staff presentation to the commission explained the recommended increases in solid waste collection and disposal fees. The recommendations were based upon several factors, including the terms of contract extensions that were negotiated with the county’s trash haulers.

The existing vendor contract had been in place for more than a decade and was set to expire. While the services provided under the prior agreement’s terms had provided Manatee County residents with some of the best trash services across the state, the rates charged for those services had not adequately kept up with economic changes and rising operational costs.

Following multiple work sessions, staff presentations, and board discussions, commissioners found agreeance with utility staff recommendations that raising service rates were necessary in order to ensure the future financial stability and sustainability of the county's solid waste program. 

The formal adoption of the new rates was unanimously approved by commissioners on Tuesday. Residential customers will see their curbside solid waste monthly service charge increase by $9.32 (or approximately $112.00 annually) beginning Oct. 1.


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  • dreed135

    Once again Manatee residents shoulder the additional costs for rampant, completely uncontrolled development so the few can profit from the destruction of our environment and way of life. Keep up the good work MCBOCC!!

    Wednesday, August 23, 2023 Report this