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Three Proposed Amendments on November Ballot

BRADENTON – There are three proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution on the November ballot. They include an amendment that would abolish the Constitution Revision Commission, an amendment that would provide an additional homestead property tax exemption for specified public service workers, and another that would limit assessments on home improvements meant to improve the property’s resistance to flood damage.

All three of the proposed amendments were initiated by the Florida Legislature.

Amendment 1
Limitation on the Assessment of Real Property Used for Residential Purposes

Ballot Summary: "Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution, effective January 1, 2023, to authorize the Legislature, by general law, to prohibit the consideration of any change or improvement made to real property used for residential purposes to improve the property’s resistance to flood damage in determining the assessed value of such property for ad valorem taxation purposes.“

Amendment 2
Abolishing the Constitution Revision Commission

Ballot Summary: "Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to abolish the Constitution Revision Commission, which meets at 20-year intervals and is scheduled to next convene in 2037, as a method of submitting proposed amendments or revisions to the State Constitution to electors of the state for approval. This amendment does not affect the ability to revise or amend the State Constitution through citizen initiative, constitutional convention, the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, or legislative joint resolution.“

Amendment 3
Additional Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Specified Critical Public Service Workforce

Ballot summary: "Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to authorize the Legislature, by general law, to grant an additional homestead tax exemption for nonschool levies of up to $50,000 of the assessed value of homestead property owned by classroom teachers, law enforcement officers, correctional officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, child welfare services professionals, active duty members of the United States Armed Forces, and Florida National Guard members. This amendment shall take effect January 1, 2023.“

For more information on the ballot referendums, visit the League of Women Voters of Florida’s guide to the 2022 amendment proposals.


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