BRADENTON — At Tuesday's Manatee County Commission meeting, many residents used the "citizen comments" portion of the meeting to express extreme dissatisfaction with the county's response to Hurricane Debby.
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I watched this meeting. It was heartbreaking. Did county action cause the flooding? We need the citizens to come to public comment and put it on the record for the rest of the citizens of Manatee County.
Tuesday, August 13 Report this
My heart goes out to the citizens whose homes got flooded. I do take exception to KVO blaming it on the flood maps. The FEMA flood maps, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, are called that for a reason, to determine flood insurance premiums. Flood waters don't stop at lines on a map. Zone X is a low risk zone, NOT no risk. Insurance is not federally required in this zone but is still recommended. Yes, there are requirements for construction in the other zones on the map. Approximately 25% flood insurance claims are in low risk zones. Based on the excessive roofs, homes close together and impervious surfaces, this has caused more run off. The water needs to go somewhere. Stormwater management needs to be better studied and with more restrictive regulations for new developments. And now there's a reduction in wetland buffers. Those areas along with the wetlands served to absorb some of this run off from storms.
Wednesday, August 14 Report this
David Daniels
KVO not only blamed the flood maps, he made the insightful, never-heard-before scientifically brilliant observation that storms are not all the same. Wow! Really? He went on, shocking everyone with even more of his brain power, informing County residents that...wait for it...some storms are more wind, and some storms are more rain!! Oh my gosh! He obviously must have spent this past week deep in thought to have come up with such a radical hypothesis. It wasn't a County failure to communicate.It wasn't a failure to take precautionary measures. It was the County's failure to understand this here-before meteorological phenomenon that storms are actually different from each other. I'm sure those flooded out residents who lost their homes must feel much better.
Wednesday, August 14 Report this
The Land Development Code Section 801.3 Stormwater Management Standards only requires the engineering study be based on a twenty-five-year frequency twenty-four-hour duration storm for new development. This is discharge, sewers and major drainage channels to accommodate runoff and internal and on-site drainage facilities. This is consistent with requirements of Chapters 62-4, 62-5 and 62-40 of the Florida Administrative Code. In the 100-year floodplain, if fill used, it must be compensated (add 1 cup must remove 1 cup elsewhere in the 100-year floodplain above the seasonal high-water table).
This is another instance where only meeting the state standards is inadequate. Debby was a better than 100-year storm event.
Wednesday, August 14 Report this
Cat L
This is what happens when the prize they have their eye on is the money their sponsors can make.
Wednesday, August 14 Report this