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Guest Commentary

Why I Joined the Republican Party


Dear Manatee County Voters,

Today, I want to share a personal journey that led me to become your grassroots, conservative candidate for Manatee County Commission, District 3. When I moved to Florida in April 2021, I decided to leave the Democrat Party and join the Republican Party. Fortunately, thousands upon thousands of ordinary Floridians have done the same. For me, this decision was a result of deep reflection on my life, values, and a desire to positively impact my community.

Growing up in a working class family in the Washington suburbs I experienced firsthand the slow decline which forced many families like mine into poverty or on our streets - the American Dream put out of reach. My environment in a blue state taught me government should be the answer and that standing in lines for benefits was normal in America.

Towards my late 20’s, after a few tough years, I began to enjoy a successful career and thought again about my early childhood experiences. I felt I could relate to Reagan’s maxim: “government is not the solution.” My experience changed me and I realized over time one can only help themselves. My beliefs about limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberties aligned more with the Republican Party. I got married, moved to Florida, bought a home, and planted my roots - the American Dream had come true for me. I felt it was the right time to make a change and join the Republican Party.

This journey is not unique; Reagan and Donald Trump both switched parties based on their core values and vision for America. These two great leaders encouraged millions of people to join them and our party. They embraced new Republicans because they switched parties themselves.

Our party grows by welcoming those whose values align with ours. We should embrace people for joining the Republican Party, not condemn them like my opponent, April Culbreath, has shamelessly done to me in this campaign. Ironically, she, too, switched parties in 2018 to become a Republican, and I don’t attack her for that decision. However, as a candidate for office, she deserves scrutiny over her record. As chair of the Republican Party, her poor judgment has failed to bring in new voices and critically needed resources to our party. By any measure, she has failed in this role. Our party cannot be run by someone who serves only herself and a select few special interests at the expense of the many. She promotes the American Nightmare, where people are controlled by elites, not the American Dream.

She and her special-interest backers have spent tens of thousands of dollars on mailers and texts filled with lies attacking me and my family, including my wife Kristen Truong, a lifelong Republican and Bradenton native- unlike April. True understanding comes from looking beyond the surface and seeking out the facts.

Together, we can build a community that reflects the best of who we are. Thank you for reading my story. I look forward to continuing this journey with you and would be honored to earn your vote on August 20th.

Tal Siddique
Candidate for Manatee County Commission District 3

For the Manatee County Commission District 3 GOP Primary, We Recommend Tal Siddique


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  • Dianna

    At the local level the most important thing you can do for our community is to speak for EVERY citizen regardless of party affiliation, something District 3 has not had in 2 election cycles. Tal has already proven that our community is his primary focus, not developers. He regularly spoke during public comment at BOCC meetings on community issues. It only takes a few minutes of talking to Tal to know that he will be representing ALL citizens in District 3 because he is actually interested in what citizens have to say.

    Tuesday, July 30 Report this

  • Debann


    Wednesday, July 31 Report this

  • Dave

    You lost me at Trump being a great leader. And by the way it's Democratic, not Democrat party.

    Thursday, August 1 Report this