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Heather Felton

Political platform statement

Why I am running for this office: The parents, teachers, and school staff have very little voice when it comes to the school board. Most of the current board members have not worked in our schools or had children in our district. It is important to me that there is representation on the board for these groups. With nine years as a teacher and 16 years as a parent in our Manatee County schools, I’ve experienced the best and worst of the school system from a personal and professional standpoint. From the first day of kindergarten for my eldest to the high school graduation for my youngest, along with all the field trips, performances, volunteering, nurses’ calls, and report cards throughout, I’ve done everything a parent can do. As an English teacher in middle and high school, I’ve been through the lockdowns, student fights, grading essays and exams, teaching through Covid, Title 1 funding issues, parent conferences, open houses, student performances and awards, pep rallies, sporting events, graduations, and every possible high and low that can happen. I’ve seen pretty much everything and can speak to it all from experience. I have a responsibility to speak up and advocate for those who may not be heard otherwise.