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Vern Buchanan

Vern Buchanan

Political platform statement

Whether it’s a spike in inflation, cost of living or drop in wages there is no question that
America has been put on the wrong path. The surge of illegal immigrants crossing our southern
border and the brazen attacks against our brave men and women in law enforcement have
made our country less safe. These are just a few of the reasons we need conservative
champions who will put the needs of the people first.
Prior to becoming a member of Congress, I worked in the private sector creating
thousands of jobs. In Congress, I’ve taken my experience in the business world to break
through the gridlock and produce real results for the people of Manatee and Hillsborough
Counties. I’ve passed 33 bills into law under four different presidents – legislation to protect
Medicare and Social Security for our seniors, to defend our veterans who served our country in
uniform and to give our children a chance to experience the American Dream.
I’m honored to have received the endorsements from our great sheriffs representing
Congressional District 16, Rick Wells and Chad Chronister. They understand that my record of
votes to secure the border and crack down on illegal immigration and support law enforcement
personnel working on the front lines is necessary for any community to prosper.
I will never stop fighting for the families, small business owners and workers of
Southwest Florida who make our region the best place in the country to live. President Trump
has endorsed my candidacy because he understands I have the life experience and influence in
Congress to make real change – something a backbencher could never do. It’s an honor to
serve as your representative in Congress. Never hesitate to reach out to me or my office if we
can ever be of any assistance to you and your family.

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