On Wednesday, Congressman Vern Buchanan and Manatee County Commission Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge got in front of news cameras to peddle the notion that planting clams and oysters is going to fight …
As a concerned Manatee County resident and advocate for those who have served our country, I believe offering safe, stable, and affordable housing options is a vital step toward ensuring the …
Veterans like myself make up a sizeable portion of the population of Manatee County, and some are not as fortunate as I am to have a stable family life, a place to live, and enough resources to enjoy our beautiful area. Please help them by supporting the Bradenton Veterans Village.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)—aka the “Gulf Stream”—is a vital system of ocean currents, driven by temperature and salinity disparities at …
Hello Editor and fellow citizens, I want to talk to you about the sale and disposition of Bradenton City Hall which is located on Tallant Park. I also want to tell you about a criminal complaint …
After last week's public forum and commissioner interviews, retired Naval officer Andrew Butterfield seemed to be the clear-cut favorite to become Manatee's next county administrator among a field of …
Dear EarthTalk: Is there any way to stem the tide of fiberglass pollution from aging and discarded boats fouling marine ecosystems?—Jared Grissom, Summit, NJ It’s summer vacation and …
Thursday was a very sad day in Manatee County. For weeks, Citizens of Manatee County urged their County Commissioners to do the right thing and reject the Comprehensive Plan changes ...
Manatee County residents need to prepare for less protection from storm surges, increased insurance rates, insurance companies canceling additional homeowner policies, and more water pollution. …
The parking garage issue is one of political revenge not a question of a need for more parking. Coquina Beach has plenty of room for a garage of any size and there are no houses to ruin their view.
The Manatee Board of County Commissioners is considering spending $172 Million Dollars on four parking garages. I had the privilege of attending a meeting to discuss the four proposed parking …
In what amounted to a reprehensible mockery of the democratic process itself, Manatee County Commissioners voted 6-1 to move forward in gutting the county’s own wetland protection policy during …
In a 3-2 vote last week, the Manatee School Board approved an amendment to Team Success’ charter that will allow for the construction of a second campus adjacent to the SRQ airport, …
Though I was pleasantly surprised by the Planning Commission’s vote against the transmittal of proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment PA-23-06/Ordinance 23-66 to delete the county’s …
As you peel away the layers of the developer-driven proposal to gut Manatee County’s wetland protection policies, the smell of this already rancid onion just keeps getting worse. Considering …
Dear EarthTalk: Is the widely publicized failure of Yellow Trucking actually an opportunity for the U.S. trucking industry to reduce its carbon footprint?—Jerry B., Washington, DC
We voters complain that there’s too much money in politics and that compromises the behavior of elected officials. We also say we’re tired of the negativity that pervades public …
Since 2017, the pile of cash on Manatee County’s balance sheet has increased from $782.1 million to $1.527 billion at the end of fiscal ’22. The primary reason for this rapidly …
This week, our favorite soap opera/horror story offered up some twists and turns as another character was written off the show and Machiavellian plots among board members continued to unfold. …
Dear EarthTalk: I’ve heard that grilling generates a lot of pollution and greenhouse gases. Are there greener types of grills or grilling methods that are more planet-friendly? – Bill D., …