Phosphate industry representatives have increased their efforts to convince people that phosphogypsum may soon become an important asset in the form of mining Rare Earth Elements from phosphogypsum …
Dear EarthTalk: What exactly is "climate migration" and is it already happening?–B.T., via email As discussions of the climate crisis begin to shift from future tense to present, 'climate …
Over the next several months, the Manatee County Commission and its administration will set about an overhaul of the county’s comprehensive land use plan and its policies regarding wetland …
At Tuesday's Manatee County Commission meeting, Commissioner George Kruse asked why the approved timeline for addressing impact fees had seemed to be abandoned. He didn't get much of an answer. …
Dear EarthTalk: You hear a lot about shark sightings and attacks nowadays; does this mean that sharks are more abundant than ever and doing well overall or the opposite? R.W., Wellfleet, MA …
The Environmental Protection Agency recently declared there s no safe level of lead for children. ""We know that no level of exposure to lead is good for our children. Zero, said Janet McCabe, the …
Last week, TBT investigative reporter Dawn Kitterman gave our readers a detailed look at the ""record-breaking"" fundraising of Manatee County Commission Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge. The fact that …
Each week, TBT spotlights some of the more insightful reader comments that have been posted on our recent articles. Anonymous comments or those that violate our civility guidelines are not …
The Veterans Housing project (Bradenton Veterans Village) that was announced at the April 25 Manatee County Commission meeting sounds like a promising way to get Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) up …
Dear EarthTalk: Is putting out birdhouses and/or bird feeders good or bad for the local ecosystem? Mary B., Bowie, MD While putting up a bird house or bird feeder is a great way to …
A new development is being proposed for the south side of Linger Lodge Road (near the Ranch Lake Blvd intersection), a mere 50 feet from the Braden River. A short distance to the East lies the …
Many Manatee County residents are understandably terrified by the news that the county s main drinking water source the reservoir at Lake Manatee contains toxic cyanobacteria from an algal bloom. …
Each week, TBT spotlights some of the more insightful reader comments that have been posted on our recent articles. Anonymous comments or those that violate our civility guidelines are not …
Dear EarthTalk: Are there any electric vehicles available that can charge up using solar power (so you don t have to plug them in to charge them)? Bill Kelly, Galveston, TX Yes, …
Over the past five years or so, an interesting dynamic has taken place in which the so-called alt-right and alt-left ideologies have converged on a number of hot-buttoned issues. While political …
Each week, TBT spotlights some of the more insightful reader comments that have been posted on our recent articles. Anonymous comments or those that violate our civility guidelines are not …
On May 24, pro-sprawl Senate Bill 540 was signed into law. On May 25, the US Supreme Court limited the ability of the EPA to protect wetlands. That was not a good week! Both decisions …
Dear EarthTalk: Is it OK for the environment to use an electric bug zapper to keep the mosquitoes at bay in summer? Beth L., Medford, MA With summer comes, many of us seek solutions …
Manatee County is seeking public input for a new set of proposed impact fees. The outcome of the study is predictable. The Manatee County Commission will likely find that impact fees across the board …
Over the past week, TBT has reported on an Inspector General audit which revealed that Manatee County Commission Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge used his county credit card to purchase voter data in his …