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An Impact Fee Reminder

This Thursday, the Board of County Commissioners will have our first of two public hearings to finalize the future of our impact fees. These fees have been a source of contention with the public as …

Banana Republicans

This week, our useful idiots on the Manatee County Commission backed up the  dump truck and deposited another impressively large pile of manure onto the proverbial lawns of the citizens they are …

In an era of climate disasters, Americans in vulnerable regions will need to rely more than ever on their home insurance. But as floods, wildfires, and severe storms become more common, a troubling …

According to Florida Department of Education data, the average teaching salary in our state is $51,166.57 annually. That ranks a lowly 48th in the United States. Despite poor pay and a highly …

In our ongoing quest for sustainable energy solutions, innovative technologies are necessary to complement renewable sources like solar and wind power. One such potential breakthrough revolves around …

Death Knell for Democracy?

When the Florida legislature passed SB 540 during last year’s session, sustainable growth advocates cried foul. The non-partisan non-profit Friends of the Everglades said it would …

EarthTalk: Endangered Maple Syrup

Maple syrup, that staple of the American breakfast table, is not only a cherished product across North America, but also plays a significant role in the economies of Quebec and Vermont. This industry …

More BOCC Theater on Israel Proclamation

At Tuesday’s meeting, Manatee County Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge presented a proclamation expressing the county’s unwavering support for the nation of Israel and its actions in the …

Indoor Radon Exposure

Radon is an odorless, colorless, radioactive, gaseous element that results from the breakdown of radium. Indoor radon air pollution is the number-one environmental pollution hazard in the state. …

Qualified Candidates for School Board Encouraged to Apply in District 5

Manatee County School Board District 5 , which roughly goes from Lockwood Ridge Rd east to the county line and from State Route 64 south to University Parkway, will shortly have a school board …

Cement is a component of concrete, mortar and other materials. It has many uses as a binding product—roads, sidewalks and patios would be very different without it. Cement production does have …

On Tuesday, the Florida Department of Transportation held a public hearing on the DeSoto Bridge Replacement Project. During the hearing, FDOT’s preferred …

EarthTalk: Toilet Paper Choices

When thinking of ways to live a greener lifestyle, toilet paper isn’t usually the first thing people think of, but the average American uses more than 50 pounds of tissue paper per year. Like …

Feds Step in to Stop Another Bad Idea in Manatee County

Earlier this month, TBT reported a significant development: the Federal Aviation Authority rejected a potentially game-changing deal between the Sarasota Bradenton International Airport Authority and …

Plastic Bag Ban

The Sarasota City Commission recently approved eliminating the use of plastic bags for yard waste collections. Sarasota is the only local government in Sarasota County that still allows its customers …

EarthTalk: Where’s The Biofuel?

Biomass is organic material derived from living or recently living organisms like plants, animals and microorganisms. It can be used as a renewable energy source via combustion, fermentation or …

Mosaic’s Toxic Assets

On Monday evening, March 25, a fire broke out at the Mosaic Riverview fertilizer plant and rapidly went out of control. In classic Mosaic PR style, Jackie Barron, Mosaic spokesperson, described it as …

A Tale of Two Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are two pictures and an accompanying 500 words that should prove that James Satcher was the wrong choice to be appointed our Supervisor of …

Climate change causes rising temperatures, fluctuating rain patterns and other extreme weather phenomena. However, the effects of climate change are not equally distributed across the country. …

Public Camping Law is More Theater than Solution

A new Florida law that Gov. Ron DeSantis touted as a way to prevent Florida from becoming San Francisco looks like another stunt geared more toward the press conference than the actual policy.

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