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Mateo writes:

"Good, not great" could be Bradenton's next motto

Dianna writes:

Excellent podcast! Totally agree that Emerson Point expansion is not a done deal until the last vote. 6 of these commissioners never wanted this expansion- they have said it out loud at numerous meetings. This is just another tactic they are using against the public to make them think that the land will be purchased. Thanks for the heads up on KVO possibly running in District 7- FYI District 3 has had zero representation from KVO and he absolutely has no interest in hearing from the public or interacting with them on any level otherwise he would allow phone in public comment (plenty of meeting time for this at the less than 4 hour meeting) and answer his own e-mail with anything other than a brainless copy/paste sentence.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Well I'll be ... who knew they had it in them to do the right thing?!?! I have to eat crow on this one.

Cat L writes:

Wow.. these are their priorities. This is who they are.

Charles writes:

even better the secontd time, thanks for the opportunity to view this

Charles writes:

Thanks for providing this “Republican Response”(?) — had turned things off and retired upon the end of the White House broadcast of the 2024 State of the Union. Now I know what was said that led to the reactions so many voiced to me the next day. This maga “valley girl” just turned off the women I discussed this video with. I know the maga-master—minds are worried about “the woman’s vote”. This pathetic response might work to motivate fourth grade girls, but the maga-master—minds fail at scriptwriting for most women voters of today, including a large percentage of those I know who were targeted. This “newspeak” was read with alternating squinting to read the teleprompter, to proud practiced assertions designed to appear impromptu. All were riddled with abrupt switches from timid, to faux strong, to bursts of Marilyn Monro-esk whispers, to giggly cons, and back. How many personalities can this script reader portray in fifteen minutes? Yes, it was only a few minutes over that. Sure seemed as if it never would end, as she appeared to switch from one psychotic state to another with hardly a breath between. The maga master—minds script reveals true intentions to get women back into the kitchens, sweeping the floors, and cleaning the toilets. The long standing but now-silent maga preference for barefoot, uneducated women popping out lotsa male babies remains — albeit heavily veiled — the possibility is lurking just beyond a successful election. One of their fellowtravelers has suggested reversing women’s suffrage as his objective for the maga transformation of the republic into the dictatorship that is being promised openly. An appeal the maga master—minds threw into the video for the guys is the coquettish microphone pressing open the green (button-up) dress revealing the tiny tantalizing view of cleavage being pointed to conveniently by the holy cross (to warm the cockles of their… ? hearts). Another was vivid details of rapes to appeal to the fantasies of pubescent bullies (unfortunately the incidents soon were revealed as having occurred in another country and decades ago… but heck, it might keep the whole family paying attention and convincing them that the real rapist among the candidates is small potatoes, comparatively.) My reaction to this? I’ll go watch that wonderful 2024 State of the Union video you have provided. It confirms that there is a candidate running for our highest office who is rational, competent, heads an administration that is competent, professional, and dedicated — and they all remain willing to spar with these insurrectionists through their lies and threats, their corruption of and intimidation of elected officials, and their attempt to con enough voters into voting for an unwieldly puppet who mistakenly thinks he is the object of the insurrectionist efforts rather than their vehicle to seize the power that would remain when their puppet soon would exit from the stage. The conman is being conned, it’s a layer cake of cons. “Believe people when they tell you who they are…” and “First they came for…” resurface in my mind. A sound second defeat is needed to begin sending these scoundrels back into their closets — so we may continue to function as a republic and come together in order to overcome the enormous issues facing the country and the planet.
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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

Excellent article with facts rather than political bias in falsehoods. This bipartisan bill should be passed, and the President said he would sign it. We MUST have reform in our immigration system. Ruth Lawler
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

This BOCC has a track record that should not make a single Manatee County resident expect the right decision to be made.

Cat L writes:

Not terribly shocking... All the pop up vaccine sites were only in the wealthiest ZIP codes, chock full of his big donors... There are loads of examples of this type of behavior. His administration doesn't even respond to emails from democratic voters, independents seem to only get an auto reply... but my Republican friends say they get actual messages back. This is not representation. Florida has always had difficulty with oligarchs, the donor class who think they should rule everyone else. No thank you.
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Debann writes:

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Debann writes:

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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

"... exempting them from the training and certification requirements that apply to school counselors, teachers, and other educational professionals..." is the the part that especially rankles me.

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

From the "we love capitalism" and "free Florida" camp. They are what's fake.

WTF writes:

George Kruse is for the people, by the people and we will vote in him again

rjckeuka4@gmail.com writes:

Excellent presentation Cherie, Misty and Reggie...and yes, when will those responsible for shoving Hopes down the throat of the County be held accountable...KVO, Baugh, Satcher?? You were correct from the beginning Reggie and anyone with any executive experience would have made the same call. As a resident of his District, I met with KVO in his office and pleaded with him that releasing Cherie was a huge mistake. Obviously, he didn't listen, and it was clear from the first time Hopes introduced himself at a County meeting he was all talk and no action. In Texas they refer to folks like that as, "Big Hat, No Cattle!" You can't have an "empty shirt" running a Billion-dollar operation with 2000 employees...and yes, what did 3 different County administrators cost and those 700 employees who are no longer there?? Millions!!!! It takes votes folks. Come November that's the only opportunity for 4 more years.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

Let me paraphrase Joseph Welch from the 50's when it comes to this legislation that DeSantis and his rubberstamp legislature are trying to do with this "dastardly" Stop Woke Act: "Until this moment, ..., I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. ... You done enough. At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" ... one can add: Govenor, Legislators, have you no sense of shame? DeSantis and his Republican Legislature with the Stop Woke Act tried to end Freedom of Speech in Florida by restricting any actions, even peaceful, lawful actions, in support or agreement with that idea. In the past, one could trust the Supreme Court of the United States to throw out such "ill intended" states laws, which obvious violate Constitutional Law. But I have come to question if this Supreme Court can be trusted to protect the American Citizen from an over-reaching State government.
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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

From Thom Hartman: — Biden and Trump both visited the US southern border on Thursday. President Biden met with the people charged with protecting and enforcing the border, the Border Patrol officers, while Trump held a photo-op with Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas National Guard, who have no legal authority over the border. Biden called for Democrats and Republicans to work together to pass border control legislation that’s already passed the Senate. Trump spewed a jumble of racist lies. It was a startling and in-our-faces contrast between a true statesman and a demagogue. Ruth Lawler
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

When the content of this bill was actually made known... that PARENTS were not allowed to be the final arbiter of what social media their children could have - that the GOVERNMENT would have that control! Then and only then was it too much, even for the DeSantis crowd! Remember, they. are always harping on parental rights, as they divert taxpayer public school money to religious and private schools. This under the guise of claiming "parental choice", even if the school's curriculum is un-American in the principles they instill into little minds. I point out that parents may send their children to a religious or private schools for different reasons: 1) They want to instill the moral values of that religion, and they absolutely believe that their religion is the "only correct and true one" and requires it; 2) The school may actually have a better academic program than publicly funded schools; 3) and then, there are parents who don't want their child to mix with common folk, riff-raff, or especially, other races... as will happen in public schools - class-ism, racism. The last is known to be a true - remember the private "all white" academies and schools that sprang up in the south after integration became the law for public education. Segregation itself is now supported by public taxpayer money diverted from funds for public schools - the voucher system. But that's another story... to long to tell here.
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jimandlope@aol.com writes:

Maybe if these idiotic bills pass, DeSantis can deem them too woke and veto them? Jim Tierney

alanbtt@iclod.com writes:

Hi - loved your article on the big chimney house in Ellenton. Sugar brought the first settlers to Manatee and it would be interesting to know more about Craig, his neighbors Gamble and Braden. While Gamble was a failure many others succeeded until the Union soldiers came along. Keep up the great work
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