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Cat L writes:

Oh...so they ARE capable of following decades old plans.... It would have been nice for them to have followed through on that Lena Rd property to expand services and the dump... Instead of wasting the work, and tax dollars, of others.
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

Oh good grief, Mitch! The whole judge, jury, the justice system and our own eyes somehow got it wrong, but clever videographers got it right? Minnesotans who know the Minneapolis police know better. They've been known as thumpers forever. And they kill one every once in awhile. Justice has been served by the established legal system.
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sandy writes:

Beardon's sole job is to continually remove a commissioner from a position. Earlier this year he motioned to remove KVO as chairman. Passed but turned over 2 days later when Ballard changed her vote. Then he motioned to remove Kruse from the Port Authority board. Kruse did not object even though he was right that the U.S. Coast Guard was the authority in charge of the oil spill. This last meeting he called for Kruse to resign from the board. This did not go to a vote. He's also the one who motioned to put a hold on Tunnels 2 Towers project in favor of one in north county on property dedicated to the county with the expressed purpose for a park based on the development order, not any residential. His sole purpose is as a disrupter. He gives nothing of substance to the governance of the county.
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Charles writes:

These hypocrits need to resign from their public offices or be removed by forcing others to demonstrate the values they seem to lack. The rot is moving up the chain with every day they continue to defy common decency.
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Removetheplantburglar writes:

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sandy writes:

He has already berated a citizen who during citizen comments brought up the potential sunshine law violation.

pdsinc@gmail.com writes:

On a map, show where this property is located.

EPG2002 writes:

Sounds like a nice organization, but it's really just a way for a wreath company that lost its contract with LL Bean to make up for lost revenue. The organization was founded and is run by the family that owns Worcester Wreath Company. They award contracts to themselves. More grifting in the guise of patriotism. https://popular.info/p/the-truth-about-wreaths-across-america.
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Cat L writes:

I am certain loss of residents is the idea. Some investors don't really care that the locals have nowhere to go, or that communities are being broken up, as long as their balance sheet looks good. (Then will be the first to complain that "nobody wants to work anymore.")
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

I want to know where all of the "christians" are who are supposed to be good stewards of the earth. Oh, that's right. They're busy banning books and drag queens. Jeremiah 2:7 " And I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof; but when ye entered, ye defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination." Thus sayeth the Lord.
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Charlene writes:

It's not the ***, it's the hypocrisy. And for leaders, it's not just guilt or innocence, the appearance of impropriety also matters. All the military folks know that, too. But too many put aside their supposed principles for power.
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Charlene writes:

Go protect your license, Clague.

Charlene writes:

Great, someone who most likely violated Sunshine laws is going to be the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, and the most obvious BIA stooge. Well, doesn't that warm the cockles of the heart? It's a little on the nose, Manatee County.
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WTF writes:

Manatee County has underfunded homeless programs for decades. Look no further than the 15 million of FEDERAL funds promised for homeless VETERANS and wrap around services that 9 million was diverted to commissioner pet projects. Florida is number 3 in the nation for homeless Veterans, Only 6 million was paid to Manatee county utilities for the Tunnel 2 Towers housing still 2 years out. Between the CARES and ARP monies of over 150 million dollars, very little has been allocated to address this problem. Veterans, children and families are homeless everyday in manatee county. If your not outraged...your not paying attention
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you for bringing light to this.

ivangroo@gmail.com writes:

It's just wrong.

David Daniels writes:

The Democrat's are relying on the strategy that anyone's drunk grandfather could beat Trump. It's unbelievably dumb. If somehow Haley ends up the nominee, she would beat Biden in a landslide - and that is best case. Worst case, the Dems are responsible for the loss of democracy by forcing onto the ballot (and down our throat) a person that 65% of the country can't stand.
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writerlynn9717@gmail.com writes:

And what is the main cause of these GOP extremist beliefs? Is it the Bible or is it the internet?

Dianna writes:

Thank you for stepping up to be the voice of the citizens of Manatee County in District 5! If citizen's want change they need to contact the grass root candidates and help them by signing petitions which reduce the cost of their filing fees by thousands of dollars.  This is very important since these candidates are not taking developer money.
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Cat L writes:

If 100% of medicine is for profit, medicine is never going to fully serve the people.

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