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Cat L writes:

Love listening to people who have no grasp on mental health, talk about proper steps in relation to mental health...

WTF writes:

So much for the "national" search that costs the taxpayers a lot of money to the firm and for flying the top picks in. Funny did not see a resume attached anywhere and he did not apply to the national search team. How does that work? Same old same old and business as usual for the developers. They didn't even have to buy this one off just a nudge from the commissioners they already own. What you allow .... will continue
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WTF writes:

Anybody but KVO

Debann writes:

Thank you Lee Washington..Rahn And Vanessa's thick as thieves....here we are stuck With a bunch of corruption on this BOCC...OBVIOUS SUNSHINE VIOLATIONS AND THIS BOCC SUCKS.WELL DONE VOTERS..CONTINOUSLY REAPING WHAT VOTERS SOWED...
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barbaraelliott writes:

The city of Bradenton allows developers to build non affordable housing on our city parks and builds NO affordable housing. It's as simple as that Moore. Compassion? As just shown the COB has none. Collect some damn impact fees, quit forgiving them, use city land but not parkland. As far as loving engagement, the citizens speak but are not engaged both ways. The council just stares at and ignores citizens concerns, limits the agenda speaking time allotment last minute. The only thing the City of Bradenton is engaged with is developers filling their campaign war chests and back room deals.
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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

I also attended a Kimley-Horn public input session, which was well conducted. Our group voiced and documented many of the same concerns: land conservation, housing affordability, water quality, traffic issues, and leadership accountability and integrity. The irony is that what the public voices as important often seems in direct opposition to this BOCC actions and focus. Most on our BOCC ignore and don't respond to citizens concerns or comments. A perfect example of actions contrary to public input, which includes highly qualified scientists and life long conservationists, is the proposed rollback of our wetlands buffers. Many of us have written to and spoken in public addressing our Commissioners, only to be ignored and at times smirked at and berated. How immature and unprofessional! To say we need new leadership is an understatement! I have lived in Manatee County 60 years and have NEVER seen anything like this. Ruth Lawler
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Charles writes:

Would enjoy seeing regular articles by Craig Pittman. He, other reportes at the Florida Phoenix, and Jason Garcia (Seeking Rents) provide coverage of statewide issues of concern. Perhaps this unscientific "treatment" is the source of the nasty taste of your drinking water. By the time it gets into your intestines, it likely is killing off the "flora" needed for health. What are you doing to get others to sign the petition for the Florida Right To Clean Water? It takes the signatures of registered Florida voters to put this on the ballot — so the voters may choose whether to establish their right to clean and healthy waters.
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jimandlope@aol.com writes:

Well thank you! Van O needs to go!

Dianna writes:

Thank you LWV- the public appreciates your efforts!

WTF writes:

So much for local governments and local control. When a bad political consultant influences our local board of county commissioners speaks volumes about the integrity of the board. Pedicini does not live in manatee county, does not vote in manatee county, pays no taxes in manatee county. Why on earth would our commissioners entertain any advice from this bad actor of political chaos and calamity. Let him go influence and corrupt the other 66 counties,
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WTF writes:

The weaponization of our local government This article is spot on When the BOCC takes a page out of national government on weaponizing it’s own political party to go after one of it's own commissioner it is a sad day in manatee county. When the local board of county commissioners goes after other government agencies is a clear indication that outside influence other than the voters have hijacked our commissioners. They work as a destructive elected hive. In the voters’ eyes these commissioners will be in a very exclusive club….. One & Done. The voters will not condone such bad behavior and outright lies time and time again The newly elected county commissioners should be looking to George Kruse as a mentor and not as an adversary, this short slightness on their part, we the voters will take note. Shame on them The rest of the BOCC could only wish to have the honesty and integrity of George Kruse. Unfortunately, they fall miserably short of any resemblance of what official duties and responsibilities are while in office and to the people that elected them. We will not forget when we are in the voting booth and all the fancy 4 color postcards we get bombarded a week before election won't save your sorry gluteus maximus.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

When did our politicians become so venal and corrupt? Is there no integrity or honesty in government anymore? Even the judicary of this country at the Supreme level seems to have their hand out for gifts in return for favors. Sadly, cases of corruption and dishonesty are turning up in the military as well. It is time to require the best of Americal principles and ethics to be taught in all schools in America starting in elementary school. All children should be taught that our nations civil "religion" is honesty and fair play in politics, and universal tolerance and respect for all our neighbors in our diverse country.
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WTF writes:

The shortsightedness of this board not to add additional monies into affordable rental and ownership says it all. Current affordable housing starts can't keep up with demand much less put a dent into the 30,000 units we are short of affordable hosing. The current board is unrecognizable from the platform many of the "One and Done" club ran on. 40,000 live on poverty in our county. Over 1000 students are homeless and all the BOCC can focus on is pickelball and parks for their gated communities that the developers want to see.
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nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Yes Buffet was a winner for Manatees but now the Manatee County Commissioners are the anti manatee group losers voting to reduce wetland buffers using the excuse that it reduces regulations. It doesn’t reduce regulations it reduces the protection of our aquatic communities. The BOCC refuses to listen to science in favor of their Building Mafia. This reduction in buffers will leave our manatees scrambling to hold on to their population. So let’s hear it for the BOCC that favors the loss of manatees. Jimmy Buffet is rolling over in his grave.
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EPG2002 writes:

Thanks for this. But as someone who used to be part of the cabal and no longer is, you now have the opportunity to shed light on some of the core issues leading to the rot in Manatee County government. How did you become a candidate for District 7? Did it require the blessing of certain parties? How did that process work? And where did the idea originate to fire Cheri Coryea, a very capable administrator and long-time county employee? What sorts of conversations took place behind the scenes leading to her ouster? You are already on the outs with the parties that control power in this county, so why not be courageous and expose the full truth?
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Love the polished new look. Excellent publication. Happy to be a subscriber. I like the decision to only allow subscribers to comment. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Charlene writes:

The bankers are the most worthless people in the world. They won't do anything unless it makes a profit and they'll take us all down in a failing effort.

Charlene writes:

Another day, another bit of anti-abortion zealotry when Planned Parenthood DOES NOT PROVIDE abortion services in this county.

Charlene writes:

Maybe if they hadn't spent the year trying to defund the Clerk's office, it might have had a more robust operation. But the internecine politicking by these vile, petty people is just hurting the county. And of course, they clearly broke Sunshine laws again.
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Charlene writes:

How much money did the BOCC waste in putting on this fraud of a search?

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