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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

Glenn Compton will address League of Women Voters Manatee, Natural Resources Committee via zoom on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 7 PM. Please sign on and hear the facts and insights followed by question and answers. The better informed we are allows us to vote and speak up with knowledge. Questions? Ruth Lawler, co-chair of Natural Resources committee. ruthlawler@att.net
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N_Alice_Newlon writes:

I know the list is long, but Dawn, how could you miss this agenda item: As if that were not enough. Item 10 on the agenda is the misleadingly named, Resolution R-23-145, "Prohibiting County funds to be used for Planned Parenthood or any abortion provider or to provide any abortion services" is scheduled to be heard and voted on by Manatee County Commissioners next Tuesday, September 12th at the 9am meeting. If passed, this could start a witch hunt with the local nonprofits that could cut off county funding for much needed social services. WHAT IT ACTUALLY DOES, is it restricts any nonprofit who receives even $1 of Manatee County funds from collaborating with or utilizing the services of Planned Parenthood or any other abortion provider including comprehensive *** education, contraception and more. Planned Parenthood provides a wide range of women's health services but this government putting the entire nonprofit community that are providing services the county would otherwise need to do at risk.
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

No words.

Cat L writes:

For most of my adult life, I've been sincerely wishing for women's medicine to get better. But, it's getting worse, and dunning Kruger is running the show.

Cat L writes:

Of course he'd find the most vitriolic person possible, with their own wave of media sensationalism... Because he needs help with his marketing and of course he still thinks this hateful BS is a good strategy. I hate with these awful people are doing to my state.
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Cwright writes:

Bearden, with his “you know” word salad ramblings, really does give Satcher a run for his money in the moron department.

Carolannfelts writes:

Wonderful and well written article, brought back many memories for me as a native Floridian, with ancestors who came all the way from a small island off the coast of Africa called St. Helena, to the Jacksonville area prior to the introduction of the paper industry. As a student of the Watergate era, I also agree that true investigative journalism is a necessity to insure that the public is educated, informed and involved in the policies that affect our planet and sustainable quality of life for all. Thank you.
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Charles writes:

Learn about the initiative to have clean waters in Florida at https://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org/ and sign petitions in order to put the question before the voters on the ballot — then the will of the voters can be determined. Florida Right To Clean Water is the voters opportunity to assure it — only if we get the opportunity to determine this. Sign the petition to get this on the ballot.
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Charles writes:

Couldn't happen if Floridians decide whether they want to protect our waters by signing the petition to amend the state constitution and then voting for it. Get and sign the petition to get this on our ballot at https://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org/ and get others to sign. Look on the map provided on the site for where to sign or drop it off. The League of Women Voters are out at events gathering signatures also. The signed petitions are needed in order to put the question before the voters on the ballot — then the will of the voters can be determined. Florida Right To Clean Water is the voters opportunity to assure it, our state and local government never will — until forced to by having to follow a consttutional right we have the ability to establish. It is up to us to claim this right.
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klmsinc@hotmail.com writes:

To hell with the infrastructure, public safety, environment, or quality of water, or even the protest of residents living in the immediate area, come on BOCC, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

WTF writes:

Finally, a lobby group that spends more money on politicians than our developers. Was not for lack of trying. It's a club, and the normal citizen aren't in it. What you allow....will continue I would encourage everyone to watch Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones | Official Trailer | Netflix Netflix https://youtu.be/it-8MIm29bI?si=ZnYV0RxEbmdGAsgI Got an ill....take a pill...... not the best route to a healthy life Big Pharma killed 500,000 with OxyContin alone and no body went to jail. Follow the money Watch Painkiller | Official Trailer | Netflix https://youtu.be/24-YonhNS0Y?si=-D3bqDxoZYcTUHAW
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barbaraelliott writes:

Thank you Katherine. If I can help please call. Barbara Elliott 941-447-9929 My passion is uncorruptible our local government

nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Since we have experienced major hurricanes the past few years the nexus to out wetlands flow far beyond the Atlantic, gulf and our rivers. Storm surges and rain amounts have covered wetlands previously developed that shouldn’t have been built in the first place. Much of Manatee County has been inundated enough to show a nexus or connection to Manatee county waters. Wake up Manatee County and quit allowing development of our wetlands.
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andreart@aol.com writes:

I just read that this main water line leading to the #1 destination for tourism will not be done for two years!!! Stop spending money on things we don't need and fix our infrastructure.

barbaraelliott writes:


Debann writes:

I never used to listen to podcasts but of late I find them extremely informative...I love the bantering back and forth...I encourage everyone to listen..Well done...KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT

barbaraelliott writes:

I couldn't agree with you more Eddie. Thanks for the letter and thank you for your service then and now. Also thanks for standing up for your bros.

barbaraelliott writes:

This is a wonderful letter supporting veterans housing. The only part I wish I could agree with was all uplifting talk about working with agencies and government. I don't think it's possible with so many developers padding campaign coffers. Elwood Park won a reprieve from development perhaps because the developer wasn't on the favored, campaign contributions, special VIP list at the BOCC. While this letter explains veterans service, needs and realities, I believe the BOCC voted no because they live in 'its all about my service, needs and realities'' lala land. Sometimes you have to battle instead of a playing parlay with single minded government officials.Ask any vet. They"ve been there. Dems need to get more hard assed and way less politically correct if they expect to win anything. It's all about right, wrong and your conscience with God. BOCC has none. The Lord will separate the weeds from the good garden. However, we have to plant the seeds, water and fertilize before the weeds are pulled. So get in the dirt with the rest of us dems. If you play nice you'll get nothing but ignored. I've lived here since 1974, Same old same old. We must do something different if we want different results.
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nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Great article but fails to link this change in wetland buffers to potential adverse impacts to to the county’s mascot - the Florida Manatee. As this change in buffers will wipe out miles of mangroves potentially affecting seagrass beds the sole source of food for Manatees.
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Cwright writes:

While I’m happy for the outcome and I applaud the residents of Elwood Park who got up and spoke out against the townhome development proposal, they’re kidding themselves if they really believe the BoCC voted to deny it because they were swayed by public comments. It’s obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention that, were Eastwind Development sending Commissioners hefty checks like Beruff does, no doubt they’d have voted 6-1 to approve the townhomes without so much the blink of an eye. To think otherwise is simply- and sadly - being naive.
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